Early Warning, Annotated

Angels among us are using what heals them, to hurt you. This song is your early warning to the world of rejoicing, suffering, politics, cults, and perception itself.

Presuming today is more controversial, more polarizing, more agitating than ever before, is our forgotten fallacy. Early Warning provides origins for where differences occurred. It my warning to you just as I have written it to warn myself.

This is not an appendix, a preface -- not an introduction, nor forward.

It is the Bible's own warning.

People can equip themselves with the Early Warning. It is the missing chapter. It facilitates a novel category in literature. It is part to the count. It is Chapter Zero to literature.

Early Warning in it’s entirety leverages

  • Polysemy
  • Homonymy
  • Homophones
  • Syntactic Ambiguity
  • Grammatical Ambiguity

to facilitate explicitly contradictory interpretations.

These successfully interlacing meanings fluctuate both denotation in parallel to connotation.

Written from the start compounding Syntactic Ambiguity with Grammatical Ambiguity the lyrics have become Polysemous through both Homonymy-&-Homophones applied in consideration with each individual word up to each paragraph. Whilst those are weaving in between each other the warning as a whole provides a context on it's first experience which then fluctuates consequence of being heard a second time. and so on. It leverages the experience of having been heard before to provide another experience, exclusively.

Listen here, https://soundcloud.com/user-254473976/early-warning-apollo-apostolos

These are notes from a visit to a parish.

Then you'll see paraphrased annotations to Early Warning.

~ Click on the lyrics to visit more annotations to the line(s).

I visited an Orthodox parish yesterday. I asked the priest for 45 min - 1 hr to teach me Orthodoxy's history within America.

What I learned was without cynicism.

The logical fallacy, True Scotsman, has been handled with integrity. Orthodoxy did not partake in Rome's corruption which coerced people into Christianity.

Those horrors are credited, accurately, to the people who take on the Identity of Christ (hence the word Christianity). However, it was not Orthodox Christianity.

Rather than label those murderous or manufactured doctrines a fake Christianity, they refer to their own doctrines as Orthodox Christianity.

Orthodox Christianity openly excludes coercion from religion. It is incompatible with ideology or falsly organized humans (not dont freely), such as the 21st Century Maoist Invasion into America or the

Well no one taught me that until yesterday!

People involved in the body of the Orthodox Church fucked up. The accurate accounts to Orthodoxy's origin or context has been muddled.

Aside from blatant compliance in validating governemnt as anything other than a Mafia business-model, Earthly people of Orthodoxy have seriously done history damage via their complicity to The proverbial Snake feeding people Apples.

The man working as the priest actually said governemnt is necessary to establish electricity and water.
To which I replied something like, "Oh like, who will build the roads?"

He agreed. As if I gave permission to ask the question tritely posed by people who beg for more of those proverbial Apples the moment they realize it reauires life-or-death effort to live with the freedom you already have. Hence, freedom is God given.

Ms. Emma says it's almost entirelv impossible to explain to a free people what tyranny looks like. And to that I say, even fewer are the people (such as herself) who recognize the tyrant's slippery slopes being built up around a populace.

It was stated (or asked) that my body is the only one I knew. Sure, okay there is the Great Forgetence which occurs before our current life's first birth — first breath.

Two mornings later it dawns on me that I could have said, "People on this land have only known life under Government."

It means, Government does not provide you freedom, rights, responsibility, protection, wealth, meaning, ... Those are given by God in conversation with us. It means, quit flirting with Ponzi Schemes.

To use a biblical reference, Caine sought for the fruits of the land, not the shepherding responsibilities to the creatures he shared it with.

Mafias which survive today are the ones cloaked beneath detection. These namesakes shift between labels sich as Mafia or Government.

Government is Caine's heart disguised as Able's. Able is gone, its not him. The Orthodox Church may has forgotten to check itself in regards to its associations.

This photo symbolized Government's shadowy intrusion through obfuscated perception; I'm sire ofnits origins nkr context. 

Cut the crap, call it what it is,
1917 Communism Driven Genocide.

The preist called what happened in Russia the 1917 Russian Revolution in compliance with comunism's preferred language. It wasnt his intent to conply, yet that is what I confronted him on. Here's why:

  • "Revolution" is a word used to sell the [working class] a type of hope that must be earned.
  • Millions upon Millions upon ... were murdered. It was not fanciful Revolution. So, what successfully revolved as new hope? yeh — Exactly.
"A photo made by Karl Bulla’s son, Viktor, moments after a crowd of demonstrators were machine-gunned amid mass unrest in St. Petersburg in the summer of 1917. . . ." Description By Amos Chapple , Photo from Science Museum Group collection
After the 1917 revolution the tsar was overthrown, the country’s capital city was thrown into months of chaos, and a ruthless new brand of rulers -- the communists -- seized power. - Amos Chapple

Rome's Pope and the people who cycle through the occupation, have remained deposed — excommunicated from Orthodoxy. Rome used religion to assume authority over people.

The priest I spoke to made clear that only God is above mankind.

Yet he didnt acknolwedge — as the Logos has been laid out, validating ruling classes strays away from God's order.

These thousands of years will necessarily serve to make it explicit, without doubt, how notions of Government (coercion disguised as 'social contracts') stray away from Christianity’s theology. Just Sayin'

To paraphrase my time with the priest, he said Orthodoxy pray for the higheat Earthly humans in the land — according to how the people in the land see it.

I attempted to make clear, I myself among additional people here who are of the land do not nor will put another earthly man above myself/ourselves. No matter what future delusions may occur within me, that place above is for God and God alone.

I'm not sure how he interprets my statement as a Texan Native being so confrontational about the illegitimacy of any notion of a government especially one which was devised by 13 people in a room then used to coerce the populace into promises for what they already had. Get it?

American Government was devised by conspiracy, not consent.

Declaration of Independence was a marketing ploy. Before then people where united as a single body by their virtues, values, and spirit. American Government put that masks on and seeded its political cannibalism ever since.

Orthodox's origins.

Orthodoxy means the original tradition as it was taught from the people closest to the source.

Orthodoxy has been and intends to be founded on the freewill to choose.

Everything about human slaughter in the name if Christ was true. But, it was not Orthodoxy, not Orthodox Christianity.

The Chruch (organized caretakers of tradition), explicilty kicked out the men using the mask of Christianity to perpetuate their notion of reign over people as their subjects.

How did this fuckery happen?

It was less costly to visit Rome than to travel so far as the Middle East.

The Bishops in Rome was the go-to bishop because the other Orthodox Bishops were too far to seek a second opinion. The men who filled the Bishop occupation in Rome began exploiting spiritual naïveté. They leaned in towards temptation to manipulate people who sought guidance. These people worked within the governments occupying the countries around Italy. In addition to this tempatation, the Bishops in Rome began coercing people into Christianity.

The Orthodox round table deposed them for having done this. The understanding was and remains, once toubreturn to the Orthodoxy if freewill to choose, adherence to its tradition, until that time you are no longer considered one of us nor of what we relresent to people.

The Crusades?

I have no idea what or who were involved in the crusades aside from it being a moment in England's histoey, which had been solit from Orthodox Christianity for misrepresentations and violence.

The crusades were behaviors in the name of post-split reformed Christianity.

But, were those of Eastern Orthodox Christianity whom spent two thousand years attending to their integrity by excommunicating violence, dishonesty, coercion? I think, not.

Government Uses Debt to Launder Its Racketeering:

  • Social Debt - Ballot Motions exclude reasoning for yourself.
    - Freedom -> Representation
  • Financial Debt - Robbery laundering via managerial disguises:
    - Ownership -> Tax
    - Storage -> Inflation
    - Transaction -> Domestic Tariff

Indebted-tokens to a hierarchy with the mechanics of evil proverbially dragging down is the inversion to Orthodox Christianity. Is it not?

I empathize with the Church for acknowledging in service the Roman Emporor as an iccuoation to pray for the people who fill it, (for concern of being sooner murdered for not worshiping the non-orthodox assertion to authority, if "anti" where to mean "substitution" then governemnt is itself anti-christ, to substitute Christ's identity).

Full Violence for Compliance

Today, enough human sacrifice has occured to openly acknowledge government as the proverbial anti-christ, a false Hierarchy designed to supplant God's.

"Government Failure" is Utopian wish making that Coercion could succeed over freedom.

I'm not sure how much of this is hyperbolic, yet how much would that change the deveatation? idk

Time-stamped to the fallacy of Unity, within the context of games.


Marshall Rosenberg has this same sentiment to say:

[Insert clip - note to self]

If your kept listening to Michael Malice in conversation with Dr. Jordan B Peterson (1:08:00'ish), you’d hear how the State (paperwork, letter of the law) was deemed as having a soul. Thus the Confusion about its divine necessity. Get it?

It's Agustus (IIRC) who introduced ( then rejected) notion of earning salvation transposed by Governments' design to sell the salvation of electricity, utilities, ROADS, by earning it or else you’ll be kidnapped and stowed away in cages, and everyone you know or love sun be told you were criminal for evading civil obligations via Social Contract (doublespeak for coercion).


Jonathan Pageau alludes to this, yet I still don't hear from the Eastern Orthodox Christianity mentions against coercion in politika (some fancy word for politics a.k.a. coercion laundering ). If it wasn’t coercion laundering then the pattern would have another name by ourselves.

Jonathan Pageau said power must travel down as much as it travels up. That to be out into position is to be put into position. Positions are received, not taken else it breaks the point of unity.

yeh, no shit Sherlock.

"As soon as any level tries to compete with the levels below it, then you know you’re in trouble." - Jonathan Pageau

Yes, Michael Malaice addresses this. Anarchy doesn’t mean life without coalescence. Anarchy means Michael won't live with the proverbial asshole getting power without the abukity for Michael to withdraw that power back to himself; withhold his participation; to withdraw his consent — Free to Choose.

This issue isn’t that things are wrong. ha!

The issue is that the process to navigate back to a natural order is inhibited by design. Corruption isn't Michael Malice's description for Government, Depravity [by design] is he description.

Michael Malice oft acknowledges Anarchy is not a Utopia, it's just a relationship without coercion.

Freewill to Choose

A.K.A. that unshakabke, non-negotiable value within Earstern Orthodox Christianity.

Leave Your Roman Complicity On The Boat

Perhaps it wise to remember "its humble beginnings in 1794" started in another people’s country. | STM Press & Bookstore (I haven't yet read this book)

Does the Bible proselytize constructing an executive branch, judicial branch, or legislative branch? —oh, it didn’t?

Did Jesus go around teaching people how to vote? — oh, he didn’t?

So here’s my advice for both men and women within Eastern Orthodox Christianity — don’t go around wearing shoes bigger than your feet, else you’ll knowingly step on peoples' toes.

Articles of Confederation; not Constitutional Communism

You Don’t Need Paperwork To Authenticate The Spirit

What’s he say at the end of this?


How Do You REad this?

You are looking into my process as – it unfolds.

The lyrics were written side by side with it’s annotations. This helped me track parallel narratives.

Clarifying 1,000+ pages took (is taking) much much much much much more fucking effort than anticipated. So fuck it. I’m posting what I have, as quickly as ..., and you’ll witness in real-time a process to update, create, elucidate. (Did you feel how those last three words facilitated a rhythm to you? Read those outloud. Feel your tounge and cheecks shape within the confines provided by your jaw movements. Hehe, I’ve got so much fucking insight into this song to share! (Good God I hope you enjoy this shit as much as I enjoyed suffering/enduring the 9-12 months it took to write).

The years 2020-2023 are interesting; this is being true.

  • Okay, enough with the silly grammar. I only intended to fend off people who wouldn't enjoy anything but illusions to perfection. If you actually read each word to this intro I do hope you continue. I here declare this song, these lyrics, these parallel narratives which run side-by-side yet also intertwine (a novel feat in literature) will be the Early Waring to the Bible, instantiated as part to its writing as much required as the first or last chapters (not a mere forepart). If you are depressed or worse..., please hang in there till you see the day this work brings forth the beauty we could have had long ago yet didn't. It won't save you. I just hope you get witnss. It's sth that showed me a sight into being human which I was not getting elsewhere. I'd like to share this unfoding with you. You I hope will have a sense to sigh in relief to witness the drab darkness suffocated on it's own intent to withhold. Here I present to you – as much as I had intended to present to myself.

Okay, so to repare for parralel narraives, I stumbled into an example with that opening statement.

"I'd like to share this unfoding with you."
This means:
- Share the process of unfoldng the annotations.
- Share the annotations, which are unfolding.

Very similar, yet very different from the predicate's point-of-view:
- Process
- Annotations

[Notes to Self] is what you'll see.

These are my notes to myself. It's how I keep my attention looking forward rather than eyes stuck down on the ground. At to-do list, of sorts.

9-9- Notes to Attend 9-9-

9-9- check spelling for every name ... 9-9-

9-9- remove excess links from quotes like wikipedia 9-9-

9-9- Get the third inae i deleted from troupe 9-9- ←←← I already forgot what this is suppose to remind me of. Oopsie. If you work for Ghost.org, please help with the typo's my phone keeps making. Can the webapp just hold a buffer locally to then send out in larget packets? IDK how to do your job, lol. but I keep making typos and my laptop seems to make as many dropped keys as the phone......... or is it just me?

Curating Syntax for You

I'm trying to help define each word for the context it's interpreted.

You'll see placeholder-temlates for definitions. These remind me to transfer my notes taken on the various definitions, context, or etymologies gathered from 5+ dictionaries used to more percisely choose my words. Wanting to elucidate meaning behind the lyrics, I want to provide you with multi-medium-annotations. Dictionary-definitions, etymolgies, gifs, screenshots, screen-recordings, memes, interpersonal persective, (and more) each in an effort to reduce the confusion you might stumble into.


verb act with artful deceit | Wordnik: Cozen

9-9- meme - cartel media conference 9-9-

^^ to place somewehre ^^ ←←←I needed to place this buuuut I'm going to need a moment to remember where it was to go. Some notes I've made are like this, assuming I'll know where "somewhere" was suppose to be. sometimes it's too much of a cost of time to layout specifically where because I have experienced myself sacrificin everything else to go ahead and fill out the annotation, which gets to be dysfuntional if not mediated. I heard the great artists would sacrifice assumptions in life to make their effort into art. Does holding off morning pee to snap a photo o the sun beaming into the shower-room count? I mean, I snappd that photo (light beaming in like Ramberant-ish) and yes pee started spurting out onto my leg. I quickly allievated the tesion in the shower, easily double the flow into the drain typical of the shower head in the mornigs. Okay, that's as off the wall, loony artsy as I'll get. Serious hat on, now. That was to ask you by example, "Are you willing to pee on yourself for your art? because if not then I recomend tryinf to discover sth deeper till it captivates you further."

Just Sayin'


Whilst annotating each revelation, these lyrics were hand cafted for 10 months. As much as these lyrics have helped me, I hope these help you. ( If I wrote 10months here, perhaps at one point I make an effrot to look at the meta-data timestamps.... I'll quadrouple check at some point – remind me : )

You now have an Early Warning to the Bible itself. The film Book of Eli expressed so clearly the need for such a warning. I hadn't fully seen what I was in the middle of making (an early warning) until I saw that movie. or perhaps I did yet the clarity then crystalized.

I no longer respect the washed-out versions of the Bible people in churches perpetuate as if it's a book for children. Da phauq? The God character mass-drowns people, animals, plants on Earth because humans were corrupt or violent. It was the epitome of "This is why we can't have nice things." Both because humans fuck it up, and because the God character will bring a drowning of consequences to misaligned behavior.

(If this seems redundant, I am adding notes onto notes I've been sitting on , you'll read some redundancy as a consequence this bit-disorganized method of releasing the annotations sooner than later.)

This is novel art in the making because it surpasses sharing a mere moment into now revealing theology.

1,000+ Pages Being Condensed RIGHT NOW so bare with me!
What Tools were used and How I pulled this off: here.

This is novel art in the making because it surpasses sharing a moment into sharing sharing theology. You now have an Early Warning the Bible itself was missing.

Moments In Time,
What God Gives,
… In Our Lives
God Take Away.
Moments In Time …
… In Our Lives
Moments In Time …
What God Gives …
… What God Gives
God Take Away …

[ Verse 1 ]

On Cozen States Incorporated


Human law reaches as close to God's as humans could, performative doctrine.

The International Court of Justice

verb act with artful deceit | Wordnik: Cozen

Entertainers in the Music-Inustry

Sync this to Slim Shady's chorus. 😏

Social Media Platforms

Mediums for wrangling mind-sets or proselytizing for occupational authority.

Cartel-Media Platforms Extracting Population-Wide Perception Down To The Level of The Individual Via Socialized Content-Access, Content-Publishing.


intransitive verb To persuade or induce to do something by cajoling or wheedling.

Law Enforcement

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Crime Scene Investigation - Crime scenes contain physical evidence that is pertinent to a criminal investigation. This evidence is collected by crime scene investigators (CSI) and law enforcement. | Wikipedia


Media itself is a display of narratives. When a people work on theatrics together, they call themselves a company.

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Crime Scene Investigation - television series spanning 15 seasons. | Wikipedia

Miller Outdoor Theatre, Houston TX | Wikipedia

Theatre Company

A theatre company is an organisation that produces theatrical performances

adjective Formed into or organized and maintained as a legal corporation. | Wordnik

Theatre Troupe

-) On Cozen Stages, Incorporated

adjective United into one body; combined. | Wordnik

A theatre troupe (or acting company), which is a group of theatrical performers working together. | Wikipedia

Psuedo-Spirituality: Perspective Is Our Theatre

v. to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery - Merriam-Webster

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry - "a program within the US non-profit organization Center for Inquiry (CFI), which seeks to "promote scientific inquiry, critical investigation, and the use of reason in examining controversial and extraordinary claims." | Wikipedia

9-9- re-word 9-9- To dismiss a spiritual pattern to be distint from the physically experienced patterns is an act (action) to extrapolate recorded observation in our limitied anthology outward at the exclusion to the integrated development calibrated by the environment we emerged.

9-9- link to Neil on not being a witness in the court of law 9-9-


cozen -> cajoling -> Coax:
intransitive verb To obtain by persistent persuasion.

9-9- monograph tobacco - the intermitten advertising 9-9-

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Customer Satisfaction Index | Wikipedia

Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash


intransitive verb To move to or adjust toward a desired end.

cozen -> cajoling -> Coax:
verb transitive To persuade someone to do something which they are reluctant to do, often by flattery; to coax.

9-9- at time, coercection -> the flavor aid (Kool-aid) moment, menitoned on Mikaila Perterson 9-9-

Violence-Brokers Wheedling Public-Spaces


Social Media Platforms

-) When Socialized Media becomes a medium for socialized proselytizing.

"Social Media": Twitter Files: Why Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In - reported by Mat Taibbi

Wikipedia on Operation Mockingbird: CIA had cultivated relationships with private institutions, including the press.[5] Without identifying individuals by name, the Church Committee stated that it found fifty journalists who had official, but secret, relationships with the CIA.[5]

Suffocate Another Family.


Separated, Fading, Frozen, Raging,

Filiations Benefit Whom They Resent

– Involuntary Prisons Seeking Rent.

-) In Voluntary Prisons Seeking Rent

Pre-Piety Progeny’s Altricial Psychiatry Commonly These Events:

Radicals Tossin’ Trauma-Tantrums Parental Men Who Worship Women

Enduing Confrontation’s Demolition With Conviction

Cannot She See The Fraud From His God?

Conjecture King In Contrived Religions' Exhibitions,

Chasing Phantasies In Synthetic Di-Visions,

Interlace Conscious-Coding Apparitions,

Telegraphic Aberrated Tapestry

Exporting Chaos-Orders Marching On Anatomy,

Appose Being Disclosed As Disposed Autonomy, ← or period?

Trauma-Models Transposing Transitions Transfixed

2 Hours - Title: The Origin of Queer Theory: Gayle Rubin's "Thinking Sex"

Exploiting Emergent Seeds In Views As Possession,

2 hours 33 min - Title: Groomer Schools 4: Drag Queen Story Hour

12News: 13-year-old's father confronts teacher who sexually abused his son

Hyperlinked to Dr. Debra Soh's Tweet

-) Exploiting Emergent Seeds In View SAS-Possession,

Article By Stephen Nellis, Cate Cadell
Hyperlinked to Full Article

Forbidding Public-Blunder Director

Under Rain Con-Pressing Contents Together

need to open it up from audio file? → (Till) Not One Subject Detests Subtext To Spoiled Contests In A Royals’ Conquest. ← works out this way because considering it’s the revelations to what’s happening in context of presenting how, the ‘till is redundant.

In Gest, Your Aversion Bleeding Memory In Every Trajectory, ← comma or period?

Avoiding Leaving Behind Dissector-Inspectors, Leeching On Stretchers!

“ … In Our Lives …

…Moments In Time …
Moments In Time …

…Moments In Time …
… What God Gives …
… What God Gives …
What God Gives …

God Take Away … God. ← starts from inside the quote so the song isn’t over as the quote has been broken open, as we’ll see happening to the human spirit in the next verse followed by a bridge, a bridge made up of human bodies’ broken parts. ← meta-meta story line.

Murals Copacetic, Dethroned Bearing Genetics,

Project From The Heart Gruesome Looming Mutines ← extra space?

Human-Bodies Broke In Parts

Human-Bodies Broke In Parts
Human-Bodies Broke In Parts
Human-Bodies Broke In Parts

Deliveries Tottering Racketeer Consent

Posturing Conspiracies Socializing Contempt.

Token-Economies’ Privilege

Conformity’s – Spining-Off Insight Commodities

Distracting To Conditioned Living.

Appeasing Prosthetic Wisdom As Anesthetic Provided By Medics

Brass-Knuckled Cannibals Debone Till It’s Dead-Souls By The Mouthful.


Idiom: Getting to the Brass Tacks (a request to focus on what's important). - Grammarist

Take what's important to you, and use it against you. As if to melt down the brass tacks into set of brass-knuckles.

-) Taxes Coerced

To Her Amazement,

Jordan B Peterson on awe in religion in conversation with Johnathan Pageau?

Reposing Reverence Facing Her Relation With Dis-Graces,

His God Spoke Violent Apoptosis In A Divine Dose.

… In Our Lives … Moments … Moments In Our Moments Lives In Time …

Moments In Time … What God Gives … What God Gives …What God , What Gives …

What God Take Away … What God Gives …

Offer Dithering Spirits Blood-Stained Thrillers

Palindrome Pressures Pounding Culture

Embedding Systems With An ‘Ism

Ricochet Worded Vision Prisms,

-) Ricochet Worded Vision Prisons
Capturing conversation.

Here, Michael Malice references the interview Cathy Newman did with with Dr Jordan B Peterson. She attempted

Hyperlinked to Tweet

a brief moment into the interview:


Alex Jones remains unphased by Piers Morgan attempting to capture the language in their conversation. (What youll see is Alex expressing the personality that doesnt bore viewers. (Mr. Beast talks about the importance of this. [ JRE ], [ CoffeeZilla ], [ Flagrant ], [ Lex Fridman ]

38 min - Title: Piers Morgan Challenges Alex Jones: "You KNOW It's Nonsense!" | The Full Debate

Here Carter responds to questions intended to legalise punishements against him.

Deafening Beggary Courted Set Of Triggers

Upending Self-Ascension Transforming Transmissions

(Bridge) ← this one you see in the screenshot as substantial in amplitude provide verse like substance, as the core is but a whisper in light it requires repeating till it becomes as clear as the message-materializing. The Language of Creation themes Sth here.

What God Gives …

Moments In Time …

… God Take Away …

Our Lives …

What God Gives …

Moments In Time …

In Our Lives … God Take Away …

Moments In Time … What God Gives …

What God Gives … God Take Away …

… God Take Away.

In Our Lives …

Moments In Time …

What God Gives …

Human-Bodies Broken Parts

Human-Bodies Broken Parts

Human-Bodies Broken Parts

Beckoning His Spirit Hither Looking Through The Nearest Mirror,

He’s Convinced It’s Not His Soul Breaking Silence When Delivered.← publish with extra [space] starting “Breaking”. (was I taking a moment to cause a written pause with two spaces to then break? not sure, I'll need to check my notes. lol, my notes are scattered throughout documents most of which have been transferred to the pages dedicated to the relevant stanzas/verses.)

Is He Captured In It — or A Man Freethinking?

Telling Manufactured Hedonistic Thinking, ← put alternate with quote in annotations. Publish with quote, that’s how it’s performed

God, ← a comma.




God? ← publish with various ways to address god. The questions become more internal and less angry-expressive to external.

Subduesive Self-Consuming Suitors

Invoking Bureaucratic Combat Kept Us Feckless Serving Contracts

Enchanting Unforgiven Feuding Penchants

Leading Into Fane From Hell Disguised In Guilt.

-) Leading into fain from hell, disguised in guilt.
Corporate Media socially shames individuals till the "guilt" has been irreversibly associated. (reputations are not irreversible, thus the efforts do not stop).
Defamation-behavior by the Legacy Corporate Media is not addressed in . Theres an effort to make Alex Jones a scapegoat. The result is a legalised demand for [nnn]_million dollar.

A Billion Dollar video you didn't see: 5+ Years ago, ABC Published Alex Jone's apology & reversal to Sandy Hook.
(Billon Dollars measured by the legal damages issued to be paid for by Alex Jones in court case)

6 Min - Title: Megyn Kelly faces backlash over interview with Alex Jones

In-Hand Assets Unifying Masses By The Mind-Set

Histrionic Nations Launder Reputations By The Masses

A Divvy-Adoration’s Lusting Inundate

{Hate & Anger] Bait For Pandar.

Accounted For In Portraits Fraught In Classes,

Doing Admonition Innovating:

Drama-Boxes Dictating

Casse-Noisette à Colmar - Troupe | Commons.Wikimedia

Accusations Auctioning

Docking Stations Charging

-) A Boat's Docking Station
-) Technology's Docking Station
Corporate Press provides hope of success to people behaving as NPC's willingly to boasting an ability to parrot propaganda for merely implied [pats on the back].

Ballot Motions Carping

Impressionistic Phishing, Artificially Lamenting

Operating Parallaxing Views In Confusion. ← or para’lax In…?

Rendering Symbol-Schism Set A Flame.

Tortured (Tortured) Deprived Descend Further,

Environmentally Poise In Feeding Diagnosed In Strategies.

Pivoting Beneath, “What I Believe …”

Ruinous-Connoisseurs Denature Failures

Drones To Demons To Untamed Violence.

Garmenting Disorders, Come Plying Under Colors.

Intersecting Culture Via Blame & Her Shame,

Dreary Souls Aiming To Declaim Left To Hang.

Dedition Promiscuous Muteness.

On To The Next, Dissolute Business.

Regimes Intercept All The Same, ← tension in cooling down keeping up the pace.

Switching On Attrition In Addition,

Poaching Politicians’ Deadly Silent Inanition

Effecting-Theory: Resource-Acquisition.

To Her Amazement

Her Intuition Christened As His God Glistened,

As A Book Of Letters Together Calibrating Solved-Game Wagon-Waiting,

Behold Captivating Modes Of Being Representing In-Game, Alpha-Training.

Moments …

Convoluted Hypothetical Mechanisms Hyper-Technical,

Move On Silent Stress Conditions Skeptical To Angelic Dialecticals

Non-Violently Communicating Redeeming Being Human Rooted To Needs And Feelings.

In Time…
In Time.
What God Gives …
Moments… In Time…
What God Gives… God Take Away.

Whilst Intelligence In An Artificial Manor Optimizes Withheld Rhetoric Elements:

Metric-Set Counterweight-Regiment Measurements,

Fabricated By The Flashes,

Massive Endless Messages

Modify Biomass Assemblage.

Helter Skelter, Culture Crazes

Well-Meant Outcries Shealing Melodrama

Ferment Outrage Spilling Trauma-Drama

Few Would Believe, Set Free Of The Weight Of Her Soul

He Breathes, In For Giving Back Her Misery.

Into The Darkness Nothing Hides.

That Which Kills You Is The Death Inside.

Applauding In Coherent Static

Quells Recruits In Different Groups.

Produced On Line-Traffic Double-Goosed

Dawns Messy, Heavy Lyrics Spoofed.

4 Min - Title: [AI Music] What if Eminem wrote "My Name Is" in 2021? Full Version

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Fallen Casuals’ Begetting, Sleight-of-Hand Forgiving.

Fires From The Father, Smoke To The Son,

Smother-Mother, Birthing-Coffin, Cutting Off, A Snuffer, Cuff-Her.

Although Bestowed In Shadows Covered Under Words,

Potentials Planted In Flooded Quarrels Will Obey What’s Overheard,

Which Reasserts Provoking Horrors Starves Them In A Comfort.

Which Reasserts Provoking Horrors Starves Them In A Comfort

Starves Them In A Comfort

Provoking Horrors Starves Them In A Comfort

May Your Eyes be as Open as Your Mind