Accounted For In Portraits Fraught In Classes,
Accounted Four In Portraits
Freights In...
Okay this word goes here because it's a variant of Fraught or Frot (I forget which, atm). It's an etymological connection, which does work. Trust me, br'uh.
Fraught in Classes
Re-listen to intro to understand.
Banning snow-balls.
Fraught in classes.
Constraining authorship to the rules.
Fraught in boxes generating accusations.
Word by word! Oooooo ahhhhhhH
6:50 ending on “…, or it’s all crazy people.” Cut when he looks at Tim. Lolz so it’s novel ending, rather than freeze-frame at a stationary rest he swivels his profile.
Fraught in Classes
Front in classes (shaming the kid into a false accusation of being a bully, she bullied him, then posted this video publically shaming the parents.)
Literally what he said happens in this video.
- James Lindsay consider adding these as your annotations!
Fraught in Classes
Project Veritas publishing camera video elucidating Facebook shadowbanning based on keywords.
Twitter verification you can see just verified posts (Bret Weinstein shares this, annotate with screenshots / video <- 🧾’s on my website.) what the heck was I suppose to source for this? and what emoji is that? it looks like a grey box of books with an apple ontop.
Then about Minds, you adjust your interests, which compound interpretation with classifiers in algorithms, Machine Learning on content.
So the content (rather than the people via accounts referenced earlier) is fraught in classes.
On another interpretation frot in classes (guy defaming Elon musk and his reply, and guys assocaition with anti defaming group lolz (group with Jonathan Pageau Bret Weinstein shares how that’s possible) sending phantasies and scary messages Frot (and his verified, it compounds meaning).
Classes -> Shipping Software
- ship updates
- ship features
man so this literature by annotation is an art revealing the patterns as a whole by sharing patterns as a particular. Hmm 🤔
Accounted For In Poor Traits
fraught in classes.
Fraught over in shipping containers (phones as well) fraught in class shipping.
Accounted Foreign Portaits/Poor Traits
Biden/Hunter/Trump dealings with Russia, Ukraine, Isreal, etc.
Government as the foreign entity occupying countries.
14:40 before mention
Frot in Classes
For frot in classes in how it got to YT.
((Also meme it for having sec, guysbrather watch recordings to go pretend later -<- lolz RS lyrics.))
Port Trets
Tret | obsolete
- Marriam Webster → an allowance of 4 pounds for every 104 pounds of suttle weight formerly added to various commodities (as spices) to offset deterioration in transit or chaff removed in cleaning
- Wordnik → noun In com., an allowance formerly made to purchasers of certain kinds of goods on account of their being obliged to transport their purchases.
Accounted For In Portraits
-) Computer Log-in accounts with profile-pictures.
- Wordnik | noun A private access to a computer system or online service, usually requiring a password to enter.
-) Server-Company Log-in Accounts with profile pictures.
- Wordnik | noun A private access to a computer system or online service, usually requiring a password to enter.
-) Phone-Contacts with Portraits
- Wordnik | noun A private access to a computer system or online service, usually requiring a password to enter.
-) Corporate Profile portraits
-) “Social”-Media profiles cataloged with Portraits
-) Selfies published by people using the app as uncompensated, unemployed value-generators.
-) Marxism with his portriats published.
- [Dr. Jordan B Peterson showing the portrait-&-doll in the movie, The Rise of Dr. Jordan B Peterson]
-) Homophone: Poor-Traits
Carol Marx ← Beggary Tricks, Dictating ballot boxes.
Interpreted in Poor-Traits. Horribly
Low resolution - Dr. Jordan B Peterson
Not the whole picture, not even capturing the truth. - Jesse Lee Peterson book.
Freights in Classes, Ballot-Boxes
-) James Lindsay elucidates how people deliversurveys to emergent seedsin classroomswith surveys given in the classrooms, avoiding parental consent.
Freights in Classes
-) scares people in a manner that seems classy or professional.
- Example, individuals role-playing as experts to spread scary stories (phantasy).
Here with Poor-Traits and Fraught (shipping) in Classes (like vikings, and friars?)
do the friars resemble the men put to use out to sea?
- [Insight to this practice of sending off unwed men from a Timcast IRL episode?]
(Are these the anti-social men studied by Dr. Jordan B Peterson and the guy for 15 yrs (?) as mentioned in the conversation with Frans de Wall.)
[Quotes From Friar Laurence. QuotesGram]
[friar | Definition & Orders | Britannica]
9-9- another photo in notes.
"If It Bleeds It Leads" - trite journalist
Diverting people form their peace in mind. <- reword unless I want to pick apart delineation as de-line as to undo the line. uh, wait, is there sth here about this?
Accounted For, In Portraits Fraught In Classis
-) Publishing Phantasies
... - Quick Quote. | Source-Link
noun [count] : a reason or explanation for an action | The Britannica Dictionary
adjective Same as fraught. | The Century Dictionary
noun The orientation of a page such that the longer side runs from top to bottom. | The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
noun A vivid description or delineation in words. | Wordnik
noun [count]:a detailed description of something or someone | The Britannica Dictionary
noun A class in a university, college, or school | Wordnik: The Century Dictionary
ships in fear (mind killer) holy fuck look at Houston Chronical article on Family dies in Mexico's heat so heres how to survive the heat. - Semi Quote
Editorial note for you amatuerlly skilled writters, your closing paragraph is your leading paragraph because it will read as counter intuitive thus framing your blog as insightful through and through (potientially so).
[count]:a business arrangement in which a person or company regularly buys products or services from a particular company | Brit Dic
Fraights in Poor Traits
Cultivating a shame through the minds of children who then grow up to act like the trauma they were developed in. They (consequence to be a solution in a liquid disolving them) become part of the liquid's productions.
Fraught in Classes
-) Enlisted Classes (university’s/demographic) as victim-identities into the cause.
- Woke Groups:
- (BLM)
- Marxism (Proletariat, Burgiouse)
- That Gun-Club (both on IG and Black Arms Matter)
- Black or Red Coats (skin? Jesse Lee Peterson on TimCast IRL, eh) - "The drowmound was so hevy fraught / That unethe myght it saylen aught." That verse, from the 14th-century poem Richard Coer de Lion, says that a large ship (a dromond) was so heavily loaded that it could barely sail: originally, something that was "fraught" was laden with freight. Fraught came to Middle English from the Middle Dutch or Middle Low German noun vracht, which meant "load" and which is also the source of freight. For centuries, fraught continued to be used of loaded ships, but its use was eventually broadened for situations that are heavy with tension or some other weighty characteristic. Fraught | Merriam-Webster
-) Homophone: Frot in Classes.
- Wordnik | Frotteurism
- Examples
Where sightseers once splashed about in silly algorithmic frotteurism, they will be treated this summer to an $85,000 community garden, whose “rural delights” will probably not go to supplement the nutritional needs of the disenfranchised but rather will go to make bloody marys and beer for architecture students.
A Farm Grows in Queens
And if he gets his way, then there would be another occasion for textual frotteurism and iconographical link-orgy: a sculptural band of friezes in wh Carping ich we see the wannabe urban planner in the guise of the Angel of Modernism — Meier Dux, the liberator of the Eternal City from its own ancientness.
Sewer Zeppelins for the Era of Infrastructural Anarchy & Other Roman Tales
-) Homophone Fraught ← Freight ← Freight with Classes
- What are Freight Classes? | FMLFreight
- What are the Different Classes of Boats? | Boat Safe
- Ship Classification - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
- Vessel classification and certification | GOV.UK
images → Crop to have the edges Swisscows has for previews.
Freight Forwarding Melbourne - International & Domestic | BCR
- Photo-shop with classes of resentment keeping people in cages. Relates to human-trafficking because it’s containers on a ship. Container & Ship deep analogies in life, and in this song.
Overhead Perspective → MOL Logistics • International Sea Freight
Seeing the Stacks on Size → Freight Forwarders - What Is Work, Duties, How To Become A Freight ...
IF use, cut ¼” above the back-end → SRVC — Sea Freight
If use, do crop to round edges like it is in Swisscows → INTL Freight Forwardsing | ILS Company
Red, White, Blue colors. → Ocean Freight - WHITESHARK Express
Same image yet Taller, which seems to make the boats looks bigger holding bigger cargo. → ::WALRUS LTD
Okay dope colors, dope sea, Silly sky. → Sea freight as FCL or LCL — but always right with CARGO WINGSimage → Image:Sea freight as FCL or LCL
Could use, yet it’s trains, not freight boats. Hmmm. → A Long CSX Freight Train Q410 With Pushers In Baltimore – YouTube | Image Link, not vidoe
Related to him being SJV? → NASW - Freight Train addresses the NASW fans about his new championship ...
For Nautical Analogy? D Carping eraignment → CSX freight train derailment cleanup continues today
- Freight train derailment at Sheffield station causes travel chaos
- Burnaby derailment pinned to beaver dam washout - The Globe and Mail
Has seagulls,well, not pigeons
Fraughtin Classes … Dock in Stations … Generating Accusations
-) Crimes categorized into Classes.
Fraught in Classes
-) Ruling Class \ Enemy Class
session for Sth ((mostly Classes))
- NVC goes into article for writing a song.
+ -
- +
Accounted for in Portraits Fraught in Classes,
- the video of the melody of the republic on IG.
- - yikes.
- Portrait video of it being fraught in classes (school) and to the youth…. )
- fuck
- > Leo writes about discipline relating to fraught in classes.
- > Which also relates to people who wish to not subjugate themselves, Frot in Classes (well the homophone meaning scary) is to witness the storm troopers \ the cyber-characters (dr who) \ State-agents (matrix) invading\occupying.
Poor traits -> poor in character.
- I recall that Jesse Lee Peterson made this clear, or was it Jonathan Pageau?
- Poor-traits.
It’s cyclical towards mural hearts ….
As impersonating (as alluded to earlier).
- Portraits,
Christainity provides known transformations and presents those as options.
- To clarify, we choose which options to commit ourselves to, we don’t choose the options.
That’s the letting go.
Jesse Lee Peterson says we don’t choose.
Marshall Rosenberg says we always have a choice.
- Meaning,
We don’t create our choices, yet in each decision making moment, we have choices to choose from but we don’t create those choices, unseen logic results in the options we have. - There’s what’s available,
and there’s what we see.
- Committing to behavior that’s aligned with your human-values is how you are guided through the options.
- That’s abstract commitment is following clarity,
Like traveling where the fog is least-dense.
- You may travel into darkness, yet you will retain your clarity, which means you will navigate as if by light.
- There’s always a choice.
Do you see your own commitment?
If not, then you’re judging yourself.
Let go of judgments observe with evaluating,
And your nervous system will begin hearing itself as intuition spoken in moments of revelations.
- God’s voice is a voiceless voice.
It’s those moments in clarity or calling.
- Sounding like I’m saying the same thing over and over 😂
Accounted for …
“Excess in pride” <- gay queer et cetera
Home alone with a meme in photo album EW
Here’s as accounting for behavior or Sth?
Helmet taking temperature.
Add that and the Twitter account mentioned to book review of Apollo’s Arrow.
Exposing the violence in the authors heart.
If you can find this video, help.
Accounted for
In a book of portraits.
Pictures in words by the thousands, and books in portrait-layout.
Accounted for in poor traits.
Or Sth about smearing one people into submission.
Madly made magicians intuition?
If you can help embed Youtube Shorts, help.
Could linking to New York Times be grounds for getting banned? Dox’ing?
- report NYTimes account and its posts.
- compare with past tweets., and asking for which specific are following in line with having presented hx’ed \ or dox’ing.
42:50 before mention
Expose verse or Interpreted in Poor-Traits
Juxtapose rhymes with Depose ← de-pose To apart the posturing, the posing.
- Jonathan Pageau on Death, on Decomposing, on Breaking Apart
- Expose ← to x-out the posturing. To present what’s embodied underneath the make-up.
Makeup is to make-up yourself into fantasy-looks. - Also rhymes with Equipoise (poise?) ← Cambridge | noun a situation in which things are perfectly balanced.
Relates to Conjecture-King or Histrionic.
Interpreted in Portrait
-) Homophone: Portate (nearly maybe?) - see if someone pronounces it differently today as portrait. (as people pronounce portraits differently than por-trait.
- Definitions of portate: adjective: (heraldry) Borne not erect, but diagonally athwart an escutcheon.
-) Portrait → Por → price on requce? → power-on reset → economic and novation trait Themes & Motifs.
- Economist interpret in prices. (shipping, cargo, freights)
Trauma-Models Interpreted in Portraits,
by proxy ← [Rage in Murders]Interpreted in Portraits
Imagery in Portrait-orientation
Images & Articles
- Show an article with portraits in portraits and regular photos in portrait.
- Show paintings.
Like the father-portrait in the movie [I Came By].
Tell the set designers and people in the credits about this. People directly related to this, and ask to thank the people who helped present this portrait into the phantasy.
Libs of TikTok compounding portraits\poor-traits.
This Forward applies to an old book, fraight as an old spelling applies as homophone for freight.
- Rhymezone | Fraight : adjective: Obsolete form of fraught.
-) homophone: Frot
- Groomer Schools
Adored in portraits?
Same Event, Different Visual Narratives
Not Counting
Arheist is not thinking. (not believing).
here, John recounts a moment where data was conteived, conjectured.