Brass-Knuckled Cannibals Debone Till It’s Dead-Souls By The Mouthful

It is through the act of communion that humans affirm their relationship with God, and to reject this relationship leads not only to despair but to auto-cannibalism. While other forms of cannibalism may be unethical, ritualistic cannibalism, in which the human and divine come into relation, supersedes any moral rule against cannibalism.
Sci-Hub | | 10.1007/s11841-022-00928-x

Cynical interpretation: Blood and Body of Christ, Consumed.

Kabbalah, Occultism, Freemasonry and Jordan Peterson - Stop Being Silly
In the wake of many attacks on Jordan Peterson, I look at the danger of reducing symbolic structures to their historical association with groups, schools of…
Yet, the cannibals are those who losit ideas for the sake of consuming people. as seem in the following annotations below.

Struggle Sessions

Example, Bret  Weinstein  noticed comments   claiming to gave been fans  until recently.

Reflections designed to  psychological  torture  the person.

Reduce the identity of the person away from ties with friends or family.

Example of how to Not Have Any of It 👇

Go Woke Go Broke

(Business and Spirit)

Further exlressions on being induced then coerced into identifinf with it.

phrase-credit to The Quartering

44:11 Begenning of segment


Compound with dead internet theoey to help analogize with these content-censoeship.



May Your Eyes be as Open as Your Mind