Dedition Promiscuous Muteness.

BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ Undercover Footage
The O’Keefe Media Group has published a new story focusing on perhaps James O’Keefe’s most powerful investigative subject to date, BlackRock Inc. In the footage, a BlackRock Recruiter named Serge Varlay describes how BlackRock is able to ”run the world” in about 7 minutes of riveting undercover fo…

Coversations hosted by Michael Malice with Hotep Jesus steers into *-War having been funded and co'opted by the banks.......... (note-to-self, re-watch for sources, info, etc).

Promiscuous muteness

Jesse Lee Peterson to people who talk a lot without saying anything. Like the one on K_'_ing white people. (That compounds to complying colors Garmenting disorders.)

CDC removing stats?

Refers to books in welfare-school
Lacking the intent to the content.


‘Dis a Loot Business.
Tribunal Courts (?) not wanting ideas.
18:30 middle of segment


Mutness referring to the [Silence] on “th” for together \ to get her,
Is the muteness to conceal intention.
Dr Drew on stalker behavior.

intreweave the url into the annaotations of these lyrics, [did-this] is the page for About Annotations on how I did this.

oh yeah, this was a meta-annotation. haha I forgot I'd kept this in here! haha I forgot how much fun I was having with these lyrics.

I'll really want to service a bredth in-depth series on how I wrote these, what I'd do next, how you can do the same! Remind me if I havn't started postin gabout it yet, or you see it lacking (I might have forgotten, it happens).

Promiscuous Muteness…. Dissolute Business

relate to people in sex-work or Pimped out into sex work or human trafficking?
Loot Buisness, taking people,  annotations from the people who took your people apply here.