Drama-Boxes Dictating

Searching for my notes


Still refers to voting-booths' collection-device even if it’s a computer.
People refer to computers as boxes.


drama boxes (grave boxes) (suicid’ed)

Drama Boxes | Merriam-Webster


  • : penalty box
  • : a driver's seat on a carriage or coach
  • : an enclosed group of seats for spectators (as in a theater or stadium)

Coffins of War

Coffins box up the drama in death to then store it underground. I don't need to explain this much further. It's fucking stark how babies grown up in the Mafia will perpetuate Mafiatic tendencies. More on this in another stanza.

Russian and Ukrainian Soldiers Mourned at Same Funeral "A Ukrainian soldier looks up standing between the coffins of Ukrainian soldier Sergey Kokurin, 35, right, and Russian Cossack militiaman Ruslan Kazakov, 34, left, during their funeral in Simferopol, Crimea, Saturday, March 22, 2014.Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo" | ABC


make my own shirt similar to this. A bit more sophisticated with integrating emergent-design rather than putting on more boxes.

Compound is merch as The Quartering, micro PC's and that custom pc compnay Barnacules ues, and the YT video of it.

Symbolism Happens Merch image - merch is in a display box, in a chunck-box along side two other boxes: one for discritpion and another for moving on with the purchase, which are under a title box, which is all presented on webpage-box, which is segmented via a hardware monitor box, which is process by a graphics card shipped in a box, to install inside a computer or laptop both called a box, to access websites like this stored on servers protected by metal boxes, in a ventalated room that's a box, in side a building that's a box, grouned in a city mapped by a box, logged into systmes using keyboards loaded loaded up with solid-boxes,using language which has gained clarity over time confining itself conceptually into a use-case box, a language you'll hear at events where people box on hallow boxes shipped in pieces using wheeled, fueled boxes, at times still viewed in radiowave receiving boxes. You've read this in a paragraph-box. – I did not box you in.

