Enchanting Unforgiven Feuding Penchants

Including Un-forgiven Feuding,

"Including" as a word applied to a previous draft for the current lyrics. Those were re-written to wrap around the sentiments conveyed with "Including". I'll want time to redraw those connection once held in mind.

If you more quickly see where I was going with it – publish the annotation on a third-party service. I'll glady! read what you have to say about where these lyrics were going.

For this page, I want to exclusivly publish the notes I made myself.
The distinction between my notes and yours is important to me.
I learned how to write the words to express my thoughts by first watching hours with people reacting to rap-lyrics or hiphop-music-production. See the distinctios in their ideas around a common art form is how I was able to get a position on how I interpretted the external world through my internal center.

As you may journey with me, let us not loose our self of individual identities. It is by knowing who we are for our selves that we can then see the people around us with a heart of love. And to do that, it counterintuitively requires first learning about being a person via other people. Child to parents, then friends, then themselves (hence religion as a service to the self among others, it facilitates this as consequnce to merely being a product from this).

Planted Parks & Betray Von Martingales,
Chanting Extravagant departing wails,

If we leave it gets worse.

Afghanistan consequences, leaving stimulated departing wails both verbal-and-behavioral.
 [JRE w/ Guy on his experience in Afghanistan] <- Tim Kenedy? who tf was I alluding to?

Domestic Violence claiming abandonment brings more doomsday.
 As in not letting it go. Beckoning violence back into one’s life.
  Enchanting violence into one's own life.
  In chanting till violence is back into one's life. (Jordan B Peterson on Borderline Personality Disorder)

Including Un-forgiven Feuding,

 [James Lindsay on these words, and his more recent talk on this]
     The one I have not yet seen.

relating to “Feuding”

Including Un-forgiven Feuding

Not telling you how their ‘cause’ is based on a personal vendetta.

  • Making it seem as if it’s for your benefit. (Iraq War, BLM, and that movie Revolver they’ll try to wrap you self-identity inside their messaging, Sth like that.)

Including Unforgiven Feuding

-) UN having forgiven violence committed by it’s members\member-states
  Read up on how Member States work within WHO & UN.

Enchanting Self-Consuming Unforgiven Feuding

alternate can be

Enchanting Unforgiven Feuding Self-Consuming ← for twitter and for generations that bred out sterilization proclivities

Activist judges


“Pan Chants"

The myth of the rule of law.

- related to Jesse Lee Peterson on Spirit of the law not the letter. (( Him and Bill Lockwood – already added to closeted Anarchy ))

Pg 311 - The Anarchist Handbook

And with Michael Malice mentions it as a myth in conversation with Hotep Jesus.

Penchants <- blogging at the news.



Losing his penchant or not for apathy.

Apathy mentioned in segment wrtten by Leo Tolstoy.

The Anarchist Handbook

27:00 middle of segment





Pen-chants <- victimhood | a penchant for victimhood. (?)

Beaurocratic Combat … serving contracts <- serving another Regime with another name.

Steve Bannon wants to be the tyrant, Revolution he streams of us for the oppressed to become the oppressed. He labels his audience Paupers and Serifs to roil up aggression. Don’t get fooled, he speaks words from resentment. He'll want to throw out the current tyrant over you to replace himself as your tyrant, over'tly.

21:30 or 21:00

Then he print says it, (I made a typo, not sure what I was sayin' yet)



Does Double Speak go with Pen-Chants?

  • Doublespeak.
  • You’re not voting to elect a President.
  • Your being polled on your want.
  • You’re emotions are being hoodwinked.
  • If the voting booths went empty during election,
  • The president would still be “elected” by the “electoral college”.
  • Electoral?
  • College?
  • Handing out degrees over there?
  • Oh, it’s not?
  • Graph this.

Russel points it out.

Doublespeak: “Demands, Manifesto, Constitution”

Each another word for the same thing.


Doublespeak therapy ?

Surgery v procedure

1:11:00 MIddle of Segment?


Doublespeak Escapement ← these were previous revisions to these lyrics which have been delicatly wrapped into the produced lyrics.

Comedian participating in canceling July 4th based on labels (Republicans) a tweet I made calling it out. (wait, did he call it out or was this a note to myself to find the tweet I made??)

2:43:00 MIddle of Segment?


World Economic Forum language.

Doublespeak, you can’t discriminate means you can t say No when we don’t give you permission to.

Bathrooms are discriminated.

Schools by age are.

Et cetera .

Because those are permissible.

30:00 middle of segment


"Fair" as Doublespeak

27:00 before mention


here? i forget my train of thought.

Government etymology

1:15:00 snippet Ian on this. (Double-Check this.)

what video-link am I missing?

Also Hotep Jesus (stage-name) mentioned the etymology in conversation with Michael Malice, 'Your Welcome' podcast.

Doublespeak / Double Speak? Or clear spoken

It’s an “act” not “action”. ← applies to penchants (action-type-of) and pen-chants (bill \ act)


Trans (vague)

Transition (vulnerable)

Translation (doublespeak)

These are words casting spells like a cloud's ploom to distract from the person's intent to carry on getting away with behavior inherrently taking away the source to life (whoa need time to break that down step-by-step.)

Doublespeak escapement.

Hmmm, need to search this through a bit more. this resonated with me whislt wrting these lyrics.



Food Insecurity → Starvation




"You will own nothing and you will happy." - Semi Quote (get full context)

Translates into

You be dying and you will laughing.

2:38:00 before mention?

JRE # 1860 w/Tim Dillon

Unforgiven Feuding

Comedy annotation


Family “Feuding”

41:00 before mention ?


Going to relate with enchanting violence into life. (relating again to Dr. Jordan B Peterson on Border Line Personality Disorder.)


-) epiplexis

  • Epiplexis | Wordnik
    noun In rhetoric, the employment of rebuke or reproaches, in order to produce an oratorical effect, as when a speaker seeks to rouse a legislative or popular assembly and impel it to decided action: accounted by some a figure. Also called epitimesis.
    > noun a rhetorical device in which the speaker reproaches the audience in order to incite or convince them
    > noun (Rhet.) A figure by which a person seeks to convince and move by an elegant kind of upbraiding.
  • Upbraid | Wordnik
    > transitive verb To reprove sharply; reproach. synonym: scold.
    > To offer as an accusation or charge against some person or thing: with to before the person or thing blamed.
    > Specifically, to reprove with severity; chide.
  • Reproach | Wordnik
    >transitive verb To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone). synonym: admonish.
    > noun An expression of blame or disapproval; a rebuke.
    > noun Blame or disapproval.
    > noun One that stands as a rebuke or blame.
    > idiom (above/beyond) So good as to preclude any possibility of criticism.

Regime’s Epiplexis Sins-List


Deraignment-Containment Creativity

  • North Korea is educated (Yomi Park)
    - Creativity | Wordnik noun The quality or ability to create or invent something

Epiplexis Regime-Sins-List

-) Sins of the Regime

-) Regime Labeling Sins of People

Sins-List Schemes

-) homophone: senseless schemes → not a soul [in sense]

> yet it omits the nautical references

Epiplexis Sins-List

Manifesting Schemes

-) Homophone: Epiplexis, Sense-less, manifesting schemes (without the senses, embodied logic).

Epiplexis Sins-List
Manifesting Schemes
Formulate Chauvinist Regimes

  • > insert Tim Pool’s Music video (pinned on his twitter account)
  • > Secrete Plans | Wordnik definitions
  • > noun An orderly plan or arrangement of related parts.
  • > noun A chart, diagram, or outline of a system or object.
      - Astrology: Image from here: https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-resources/whats-difference-astrology-vs-astronomy/
  • > Distribution of media | Access to Information (in-form-ation)
      - noun A statement or plan in tabular form; an official and formal plan: as, a scheme of division (see phrase below); a scheme of postal distribution or of mail service.
  • > manifesting → emergent patters → emergent intent → deep patterns → deeper responses.

Pleasing To
Regime’s Epiplexis

-) To contrast with mind-set, which human beings use, calibrated as integrated in an environment. Algorithms performing within transistors are not calibrated to sustain life through human-environments.

-) Here put the pieces about courts presenting questions yet respondents are rhetorically defending themselves, as it is presented.

High-Seas Doublespeak-Escapement.

-) escaping the proverbial high waters in a difficult scenario.

High-Seas Doublespeak-Escapement
Pleasing To Regime’s
Epiplexis Sins-List.

-) Privacy Policies published to avoid punishment, not to contribute awareness.

here or …. yes pen-chant and pa penchatn for pffering guiding light as a father and for some a baiting with guilt or gilt to hell, like a decalibrate mind-set.
- Epiplexis Sins-List.


Regime’s Captivity. Father’s Vision-Logic.

  • > seems like Father’s vision logic is the Man attempting to bring in divinity through his vision. Man is held captive by his own vision, which will exclude unseen logic. He will exclude God.
       [James Lindsay on this.] ← In a New Discourses episode.
  • -) Alternate punctuation.
    Pleasing To Regime’s
    Epiplexis, SenselessRegime’s Captivity.
    Father’s Vision-Logic. Spoken Spek Per Written Wording,
    Religion Brought it From the Chaos Orderin’ the Body’s Object.
    Souls incensed without knowing it’s a
    Co-Creative Process Lying Conscious.
       > In the chaos emerged systems. Emergent systems goes here.
          Holy fuck! It’s like unlocking doors of perception with these lyrics.
          Offer OR-AR service that offers interpretations as the words move about.
          Sample from the combinations people use whilst continuing to discover more & more. People can add annotations as they discover more on their own. ((encourage not to move through this mechanically, it’ll show in a lack luster textbook content. This isn’t Wikipedia. Have the insights hit you throughout the day as various lines snap together in you mind, revelations. Then note the connections made in that moment, important to you.))
          → provide access to the song produced, performed for this interpretation.

Regime’s Captivity, Father’s Vision-Logic.
Spoken Spek Per Written Wording.

Describes Bureaucracy as damaging because it confines behavior to an Earthly Man’s vision, excluding God’s.

Religion Brought it,
From the Chaos Orderin’ in the Body’s Object

-) When Religion is used to order people like possessions. To negatively manipulate.

  • Book of Eli
  • Voice of Satan
      [Jesse Lee Peterson YT-clip on the voice of Satan, woman says its God.]

Epiplexis Senseless Regime’s Captivity.

It’d have to be about shame to control people.
  [Hence, Rule-of-Law Rather Than Rule-of-Human-Values.]

emasculating virtue signal -

Order In food-delivery company, orderin.co.za

  • The front page. ← Token economy
      [Imaged in screenshots.]


-) dethroning religion and keeping religiousnessout from the market.
    - This isn’t annotated as keeping religion out because religion is emergent from consciousness.

  • It’s essentially consciousness itself which we learn about through interpreting recorded observations, nearly similar to the bible which records these observations using qualitative data→ analogies. (relates to the math to stories. Oranges to Apples.)

-) people behaving with integrity according to their known values which contains de-stabalizing behavior in it’s place, outside beyond the margins.

Regime’s Epiplexis Sins-List
Speaking Creativity-Captivity
In its Market Mind-set,

-) Schools set up for market labor will erode human creativity.

-) schools set up to coerce students into submission rather than usurping admin or teachers

-) schools are capturing the extremest who act to deraign Logic.


-) homophone: In Chanting


-) Homophone: Pen-Chants


-) Homophone: In Chanting

BetrayVon Martingales
Demonstrate enchanting

-) planted like communist plant , commune as in a park, field service
   (parks are a service of fields to the involuntary public)


Wordnik | Enchant:

  • transitive verb To cast a spell over; bewitch.
  • transitive verb To attract and delight; entrance. synonym: charm.

Display enchanting

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