Enduing Confrontation’s Demolition With Conviction
-9-9 okay, where tf are all the notes on this .... uhhhhh what? -9-9-9
Actually-Doing Vs Showing-not-Doing
In Doing Confrontation
Relates to 28 rules of power , two rules on this?
Also Jesse Lee Peterson with His cousin about family dinners being contentious and Jesse Lee Peterson says Yeah, a man confronts - semi quote
Jesse Lee Peterson reading Story book on a dragon.
Dragons connect both fields-&-house with kindling-&-fire to approach-&-growth.
1:30 middle of segment https://youtu.be/Ejtmd3b4J_c
She Chose Human Sacrifice For Her Own Comfort
She Sacrificed People To Tyranny For The Lie It'll Bring Her Peace of Mind
[ put the tweet's screenshot here , IDK if tweet embeddings will continue to display ]
Lady Lawyer on twitter who puts people into tyranny ← Beta Woman
& - Beta Males will put you into tyranny to avoid confrontation. (The comments by the two other guys before hand can be left for the full video. It’s insightful that a woman is calling this out.)
Then she gets confused, the country didn’t do this to you, the government did.
13:30 beginning of segment https://youtu.be/1ZI99TdKvC4
Enduing Confrontation’s Demolition With Conviction
- Constriction via confrontation line
Quote her to introduce this.
55:45 before mention https://youtu.be/wz5tKd_K-5o (TimCast IRL)
Enduing Confrontation
> Hieroglyphics Tattooed with his-murder, his--story
> ACLU pretending to (artificially lamenting ….examples)
legal system demolishing communities with convicting people to crimes.
Confrontation’s Demolishingwith Conviction
Human Drew on Hue-Man
In Doing Confrontation
-) Drawing on a Hue-Man, a colored man.
-) Drawing upon a person who is fighting (violence because it doesn’t say protecting) is actually a man who is correcting the circumstance as a signal that protective use of force will be used.
[Alpha male Self-Generated Transformations via confrontation does construction with conviction]
-) Hue-Man is also literary tool for darkened soul.
→ Link to James Freeman video: the stand off at the intersection during daylight.
Hue-Man Fighting His White-Knights.
- Fit his in quick to pick up speed like a fight clashing.
- Fits the track and fits the reading experience.
- Self-Generated Transformations (via) Confrontation Demolition with Conviction
Re-Word for clarity that it isn’t about “tearing down” so much as it is about expose to have not been real at all
-) Jesse Lee Peterson on Jesus flipping tables, he wasn’t angry.
That was not anger. That was discernment. That was conviction.
-) tearing down the narrative, the narratives collapsing, Bret Weinstein in a Dark Horse Podcast Clip with the military people about observing the effects around you to perceive how your behavior is important when there isn’t feedback production to receive.
(also useful for the cynical perspective.)
-) Tearing down the False Idols.
> elevator scene in revolver to the point he walks past the guy and the guy has that reaction.
-) Tearing down Regime \ Cartel
elevator scene in revolver to the point he walks past the guy and the guy has that reaction.
Demolitionwith Conviction Enduing Confrontation ← garmenting ← pretending to confront. (TYT guy on time, and people on SJW topics.)