Environmentally Poise In Feeding Diagnosed In Strategies.

include Dr. Jordan B Peterson on how do you know when a concept is legit for diagnosing people?

-- Giving Rise To Noise In The Home.
[New Verse]
Impersonated Transformations,
– – -) Not Healed → Merely Medicated

-- Diagnosing dome functions as noise in the home.
(Third read scientific)
Symbolic works for sound acoustics and the additional meaning.

-- Diagnosing verse and maybe a little beyond?
Her on about the conference, angry, spiritual, till foundation and burning, cut it the moment before she mentions giving them the match. It’s outside the sentiment’s scope.
42:00 after mention

-- Diagnosing domes unguided … noise in the home.
Syndrome: fake name for a spiritual trauma.
11:00 middle of segment

-- Diagnosing dined unguided
If he’s dad is alive then ask his dad if he thought his son Antonio was incompetent.
Double interpretation relevance or even triple.
((Tell Antonio diagnosis are fake names for a spiritual trauma))
Ep6 1:06:00 middle of segment
Un-profoundly chill

-- They’re saying he needs help
Not realizing it’s their disjunction.
Sth like that.
NVC about telling him what he needs, help, as away to dismiss him. And if not careful will imprison him by medical treatment.
Those bailiffs looking like mamas-boys, smoothing around. Doing as hairspray mommy mommy commands.
– – not sure where this if from, I didn’t get the link copied into the notes.– –

-- Diagnosing strategies
Compare mental labeling
Or aberrsted imageries.

-- Diagnosing …
Hans IG reel

--Diagnosing dome functions
Show the paper mentioned on this.
Jesse Lee Peterson
Also DarkHorse Podcast

-- Libby again about spiritual language,
framework, Diagnosing.
– – her and Michael Malice ?

-- Fake names for spiritual trauma.
Guy worked with “health” care.
Have him talk with Jesse Lee Peterson

-- Denying environmental roles.
How the [life] came back.

-- Environmentally poison feeding.
-) feeding the vaccine
-) feeding lies
-) feeding talking points
-) distributing diagnoses, advocating for violent communication

– -  https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClP8SU3A9sX/

-- Environmentally poison feeding
– – -) environmentalist perspective
– – – –  Tim mentions ceo striking the Regime wouldn’t let it stop overnight, not with 200 million people driving on gas, not with lives depending on electricity produced off gas. Sth like that.
– – -) China TikTok and Russia et cetera and Jonathan haidt and book on tactical Woman referenced book on media to cite, (talk with person or link interview) Rosanne on weak Men in media snippet with Jesse Lee Peterson . <- each of these as annotation. Child psychology imitating scars around them, Dr Jordan B Peterson on professor telling Violence students not to breed. James Lindsay Content and schools and such. Middle school teacher with Kristen boobs get that stil-frame from TimCastIRL of his looks stimulating adverse response.
Also Jesse Lee Peterson on trauma and how that comes about. Stressful mother. Spiritual trauma. Et cetera.

-- Environmentally … line
---- External stimuli examples.
----  + Also look at how Dr. Mike Mew expresses a moment in reflecting on despair, science as a discipline or it’s bounties do not innovate nor distribute by default.
---- 41:00 way after mention
---- https://youtu.be/R18TkiLW6JU
---- (( is this relevant to that evolution consideration?
---- https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cl_dcNNuk4c/

-- Environmentally … line
---- External stimuli examples.
----  + Also look at how Dr. Mike Mew expresses a moment in reflecting on despair, science as a discipline or it’s bounties do not innovate nor distribute by default.
---- 41:00 way after mention
---- https://youtu.be/R18TkiLW6JU
---- (( is this relevant to that evolution consideration?
---- https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cl_dcNNuk4c/

-- Environmentally … strategies.
---- 31:00 -> 33:00 middle of segment
---- https://youtu.be/F5l58R_ftNwEnvironmentallyEnvironmentally

-- Poise In Feeding.
---- Also humans having balance in how their consuming, perceiving, creating in the environment.
---- +
---- Not engaging enough with an aspect, birth a child that does because those stimuli (or lack of stimuli which consequentially inhibits : like war and art having been reported as having a mutual relationship.)
----  +
---- Creativity, mundane, et cetera .

-- here?
---- Integrating, the spirit, the center point positioning between you and the environment.
---- 27:50
---- https://youtu.be/g_NTXZymro8

-- Vocalizing line
---- Clarify that diagnosis is actually just observing symptoms to responding to environment. It’s observing environmental dis-junction.

-- Here?
---- Salt analogy
---- Your environment and how you experience yourself present into it.
---- [custom fitting t-short, jeans, et cetera, style-competence]
---- Pro-active approach rather than defensive.
---- https://youtu.be/td0ruRlAmh0

Extensive stimuli

Evolution extensive stimuli
Spiritual starvation
Spiritual trauma
((Relates to opiates short on when getting off the opioid the pain is still there.))
Illogic -ill-placed logic.
Whole thing
Relates to fake names for spiritual trauma with Jesse Lee Peterson.
NVC , the world doesn’t twice you or make you anxiety, it’s how you look at it.
Marshall Rosenberg , not diagnosing, not accusing.
It is a response to environment (external stimuli)
Relates to salt analogy.

Environmental poison feeding

27:30 https://youtu.be/As5vI36I5lk

Environment poise in feeding

---- Mikhaila Peterson  with 5 people reflecting on experiences.

---- cybernetics episode on schizophrenia and find those notes on phone.

---- the stress damage proteins paper.

environ mentally

(did this as well with environmental health) I took it another direction of attaching mentally as an adverb _____
https://youtu.be/nMf1ZbGjXbo <- this one?
MAc to the guy who’s also a producer.

Environ - definition surround et cetera .


Putting people in their environment.

31:30 middle of segment

Lyrics & Annotations

Denying environmental functions on a human role.
Denying school stimulating depression & ADHD
Workplace (JRE motivation clip on cubical. Use this to filter out sheeple behavior, in a way.)
Et cetera

Not diagnosing

Jane Air
53:00 middle of segment


Dome functions
Applies to both political behavior from not having enriching strategies
And schools
And Diagnosis
Center clip Fit each
1:26:00 middle of segment

Religion as feeding chickens
Contrast to Jesse Lee Peterson putting a light on hope. He speaks as a witness, as one who transformed and sees the oath for his neighbor.

What’s the importance in covering drink?
Preserve even the steam?
Or protect from poison?

Environ - mentally poison feeding.

“Feeding” The Language of Creation relevance.

Word search for words and find some relevance like that. Also for the books in my holding.

Poison Feeding

1:33:00 middle of segment

Dome proceedings

-) Court house images

Producings <- with an 's'

Because it’s continuous
Because it’s continuous

Both poise in and poison interpretations at the same time.

-) diagnosing masculinity as to city lolz is balance when men are not maturing, neither are girls.


Mentally poison