Filiations Benefit Whom They Resent: Involuntary Prisons Seeking Rent.
When finished, add to annotating annotations segment on how this relates to fires->smoke lines
The father and son related annotations.
add to annotaing as it relates to last line, provoking... starves...
Prison / Jail
Children grow into people who are incarcerated because they act out on the resentment they've had growign up in a broken hometo have themselves locked away consequence to their behavior posing active threats to people.
Filiations Benefit Whom They Resent: Involuntary Prisons Seeking Rent.
noun A line of descent; derivation. | Wordnik
-) Sons don’t realize their fathers do love them.
-) Sons who get imprisoned will be another incentive for the prison industry to continue.
Sacrificial Pawns in Proverbial Chess
Economic Self-Submission
Knowingly seeking payouts for valueless propositions. Working at bureaucratic-companies, tech-bubbles, employed to proverbially push-paper, and thus they enslave themselves.
This example from Wikipedia doesn't acknoledge that the value from putting the chain up is the actual fees collected. Also, it's oversight on who passes and who doesn't.
The classic example of rent-seeking, according to Robert Shiller, is that of a property owner who installs a chain across a river that flows through his land and then hires a collector to charge passing boats a fee to lower the chain. There is nothing productive about the chain or the collector, neither passers get anything in return. The owner has made no improvements to the river and is not adding value in any way, directly or indirectly, except for himself. All he is doing is finding a way to obtain money from something that used to be free.[14]
Occupational Authority
noun The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
Conflating Punishment for Justice
Get Quotes: "Don't do the Crime, You Won't do the Time" | Source Link.
9-9- Needs timestamp and reference Direct, with Ideology of not committing crimes et... however Closer it may be than victimhood itself, it’s still leaps away from the issue.
the time cite
Sons don’t realize their fathers do love them.
Filiations Benefit Whom They Resent In Voluntary Prisons Seeking Rent.
Sons who get imprisoned will be another incentive for the prison industry to continue.
((Implies the resentment the son has, without making that explicit.))
Filiations Benefit Whom They Resent In Voluntary Prisons Seeking Rent.
Filiations Benefit Whom They Resent In Voluntary Prisons, Seeking Rent.
With comma it is the Filiations (generations, families, brethren) who themselves are seeking payouts for minimal effort. Working at false companies, tech-bubbles, (idiom: pushing paper), and thus they enslave themselves.
- Milton Friedman’s Free To Choose episode showing Gov’t Welfare-Employment stuffing property.
Jesse Lee Peterson you become like what you hate
- the spirit of it - relates to my DM’s to de-trans guy
Revolver on the psychology of it, people getting played making them think it was their idea getting made. (Made like undercover getting played, spotted getting made)
Pg 191-192: The Anarchist Handbook
judge sending people to prison Receiving commission? Or electronic funding?
… Seeking Rent …
rent seeking as not contributing to society.
Prison is not protection, it is Violence disguised as a Civil Luxury-Service.
It doesnot reform adults.
- Rand research on deterrence and prison and the money to it, both in terms of rent for it as a place to house people and rent as in non-contributing service for fees. ← involuntary because the mafia choose what to do with the stolen money (not the baited voters).
… Seeking Rent …
20:50 middle of segment
Being involuntary and a business
Seeking rent,
In Voluntary prisons seeking rent
18:00 beginning of segment
Music Industry Seeking Rent off Songs
Voluntary prisons seeking rent
11:00 middle of segment
Filiations Benefit Whom They Resent: In Voluntary Prisons Seeking Rent.
11:05 or meme with Los.
Thrones almost Diamond, triangles isosalieces, detailed almost too smooth to notice, or meme with a zoom in lolz like science books.
So it doesn’t look like it but zoomed in it does, and the tiny sparkles zoomed in look like the stars of him looking out with that face and hands grabbing bars, covering triangles.
He’s holding onto bars of the door way, walls amhave the angles. To help viewers not get boarded an to communicate various concepts.
A door is a way out, from it his looking out.
And him in his lyrical mind ghost writing benefiting the industry he resents Fit overlooking him.
Drug addicts in their addiction,
voluntary (yes, and the question is why, free will aside)
Rent-control is economic prison,
voluntary - "Live in your head rent free."
Resentment is like putting people in your head while you were the one who won't let them leave.
socialized media trapping You – banking money off of you, untold to you ((lacking informed consent))
Affiliations as Filiations
- Affiliations as Filiations
- Coping and Party
- Addiction
- Lots of compound
- Behaviors driving joy without contribution
- Rent seeing your own happiness our balance to life
9:40 starting with her middle of segment
Seeking out to Rent Space \ Time
Distinction for relevant interpretations.
Rent as in the verb. (not the noun)
Uh, look at drug-pins pyramid schemes.
Lack of education,
culture as a prison (in voluntary prisons)
Token economies. (Toke’ smoke weed, crack, heroine, cocaine?, et cetera, vape, -> compound as illustrated in vapor-rape (word?) )
- pimping
- Gangs with no way out
- Lupe Fiasco on MLK line
1:09:00 before mention
…. Voluntary….
Voluntary prisons, then compounded involuntary
8:00 -> 9:34 middle of segment
Preparing for involuntary captivity.
In voluntary prisons.
4:00 middle of segment
Swisscows on economics of rent seeking, the academic papers and sources.
Broken Lineage (Filiation)
Thomas Sowell book on detached from culture to absorbing the surrounding culture.
- That’s the yearning for the father’s spirit around them yet not having the calibration to accept it.
Jesse Lee Peterson children yearn for their fathers related
noun 1a: filial relationship especially of a son to his father
noun1b: the adjudication of paternity
noun 2a: descent or derivation especially from a culture or language
noun 2b: the act or process of determining such relationship
Broken Capacity to Trace Lineage
Taken up symbolism imitating mysticism ← can relate to Broken Lineage
Lost Souls ← can relate to Broken Lineage
23 & Me → broken because it’s used to exploit emergent seedlooking for their lineage for viewsinto genetics like it’s the companies possession. To cast non-consenting permissions.
Cast like magic, bureaucratic. ← (annotative lyrics)
noun 1a: filial relationship especially of a son to his father
noun1b: the adjudication of paternity
noun 2a: descent or derivation especially from a culture or language
noun 2b: the act or process of determining such relationship
Prison Reform. (reformation or Schism or Acknoledging Divergence from Love into Hate)
- pag 134 - 135 essay with in Acnarchist Handbook about prison being mostly about punishment to ethereal [demon (as Jonathan Pageau might describe)]
somewhere in here it mentions how further isolating people had spread quickly on a hypothesis. It's trying to proverbally square a circle. (use that meme in a gallery with a prison reform meme).
-> Lombroso rejected the established classical school, which held that crime was a characteristic trait of human nature. Instead, using concepts drawn from physiognomy, degeneration theory, psychiatry, and Social Darwinism, Lombroso's theory of anthropological criminology essentially stated that criminality was inherited, and that someone "born criminal" could be identified by physical (congenital) defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage or atavistic. <- This is being stuck with an unforgiven spirit. It's hypertechnical language to descirbe how people conitnue the mind-sets they either grew up in or continue to live in. Side note: addicts relapse when they continue to hang around the people who shared in their addictive behavior (penchants?). Alcholoics Anonymous aims to provide a peer-group who shares an understanding to the mind-set whilst also providing people who will encourage overcoming the behaviors tied in with addiciton.
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