Her Intuition Listened As His God Glistened
Oracles to it’s definition with satanic, cynicism, phantasy.
Oracles | Wordnik: The response given through such a medium, often in the form of an enigmatic statement or allegory – tweets on native lady, and then the hoax papers, and such. And her published papers.
- Allegory | Wordnik: The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.
- Enigmatic | Wordnik: adjective Of or resembling an enigma; puzzling: synonym: mysterious. : Synonyms Mysterious, puzzling, dark, recondite.
Recondite | Wordnik: adjective Concealed; hidden. : adjective Not easily understood; abstruse or obscure.
Abstruse | Wordnik: Withdrawn from view; out of the way; concealed. : adjective obsolete Concealed or hidden out of the way. : adjective Difficult to understand; recondite.
Present Glances To The Past Orienting Effervescence
Unrelenting Preference-Sourcing Staging Reverence
- Glances relates to Reverence
image screenshot snippet from rhyme zone.
Orienting Effervescence Present Glances To The Past
Unrelenting Preference-Sourcing Staging Reverence
- Rhythms more how I want it to. Fits storytelling.
1st line Segways to the 2nd. Looking backwards on trauma-tantrums, or patterns (Jonathan Pageau on the Podcast with a thumbnail SACRED typeface on abstract art of a park where a man walks with a child. (as I recall).
Orienting Effervescence Present Glances To The Past
Unrelenting Preference Staging Reverence ← Sourcing
- Omitting “Sourcing” because it’s inherent in [Glances to the Past]
Orienting Effervescence Present Glances To The Past
- #
- - Effervescence Present
- - Orienting Effervescence
- - Present Glances
- - GlancesOrienting– by consequence
- ? Past Effervescence– by consequence from the effervescence.
Orienting Present Effervescence Glances To The Past ← stumble sounding
- #
- - Effervescence Present – by consequence
- - Orienting Effervescence– by consequence
- - Present Glances– by consequence
- - Glances Orienting– by consequence
- ? Past Effervescence
Present Glances To The Past Orienting Effervescence
- # Past Effervescence
- - Orienting Effervescence
- - Present Glances
- - GlancesOrienting
- - Effervescence Present – by consequence
Orienting Effervescence Present Glances To The Past
- Present gets in the middle of the turmoil of the past
Hardly the turmoil of the future, do you see it?
The Past is real memory.
The Present is real time.
The future is fantasy.
Unrelenting Preference Staging Reverence
- A Book as a Stage, incompatible with a proceeding, “Staging Preference”.
A Book can take you many places
The stage is your imagination which it then introduces
et cetera
A book made as a pop-up book, quite literal expression to this insight.
But, is it necessary?
“Sourcing” is helpful to write-in, as it remains a source to insight of people sourcing preferences.
book is the source
emergent systems is the source. Bible is merely note-taking.
Unrelenting Preference Staging Reverence
- *was* Preference-sourcing staging reverence
- Ending on Reverence helps with As a Book Of Letters Together (Bible)
- Bible-Thumpers
- Emergent, without escape (not even by language)
Appears as rituals oriented towards behaviors to express religion, not “a” religion.
Unrelenting Preference Staging Reverence Sourcing ← clunky wording
Unrelenting Preference-Sourcing Staging Reverence ← clearer on laundering violence.
Unrelenting Preference Staging Reverence
- Jesse Lee Peterson on the death-penalty (for deterrence), as he is on stage.
- Accounts staging (morals?) Reverence on socialized media (i.e. Twitter), in contradictions.
[Link Defiant L’s twitter account]
Orienting Present Effervescence Glances ToThe Past
Unrelenting Preference-Sourcing Staging Reverence
Sourcing Unrelenting Reverence Staging Preference
- -Reverence-Sourcing
- -Unrelenting Preference – by consequence
- - Staging Reverence – by consequence
- - Orienting Effervescence - by consequence
- - Present Glances - by consequence
- - Present Effervescence – by consequence
- - Orienting Present
- - Past Sourcing
- - Unrelenting Reverence Staging Preference | Unrelenting Preference Staging Reverence ←this.
Jesse Lee Peterson on the death penalty (for deterrence), as he is on stage.
Accounts staging preferences on socialized media (i.e. Twitter), in contradictions.
[Link Defiant L’s twitter account] - Staging Preference
Orienting Effervescence Present Glances To The Past
Unrelenting Preference Staging Reverence Sourcing ← clunky wording
Unrelenting Preference-Sourcing Staging Reverence ← clearer on laundering violence.
- Reverence-Sourcing
- Unrelenting Preference
- Staging Reverence
- Orienting Effervescence
- Present Glances
- Unrelenting Reverence – by consequence
- Orienting Present – by consequence
- Past Sourcing – by consequence
# Unrelenting Preference
# Staging Reverence
Glances in The Present toThe Past Sourcing Orienting Effervesce
- Like flashes, emphasize ‘quick conception, without ‘gestation’
Flashes without gestation