In Gest, Your Aversion Bleeding Memory In Every Trajectory.
In Gest, Your Aversion
In gesture-aversion
Ingest your aversion
In gest your aversion
In gest, your aversion
In gest, you’re a version
... Jest ...
In here is exemplified by Michael Malice wearing the pig’s nose, in an episode of his.
… In gest you’re a virgin …
… [you’re -a-virgin]-aversion …
… gest\jest …
… you’re a version <- like an echo, a spirit, pattern, a soul in a human body.
he said forced to digest a hunch.
Ingest contrasts with leaching and bleeding.
As Jester jest & gest contrast kings & subjects
trickster trying to avoid
The trickster trying to avoid (red suit outside the royals? What’s the story?) slaughter and power manipulation leading to further subjection.
In Gest \ Gesture you’re a version avoiding
Blogs, Fictions
In Gest (Gest because news are blogs, fictions) you’re a version, (in it you’re version one of the story within history, the rough draft.)
52:10 beginning of segment
Posturing or Gesturing/Jestering
After consent is the artificial lamenting.
Another Word for Artificial?
It’s non issue after Artificial imageries?
Tech Perspective
Elon buying Twitter and neuro link
You're an emerging seed of a person into the world, cult of thought, ...
You’re a virgin
You’re a virgin
“Every Trajectory”
I’m telling you It’s relevant to each layer you perceive in.
Lyrics go loop to loop adjusting interpretation productions, because it’s revealing the listen in layered thinking as it appears in the micro-systems to the macro-scales.
(Scale was mentioned in a Bible verse somewhere)
Gesture – Jester – Gest (romeo & Juliet) – Jest (playfulness, witty)
-) Gest → Wordnik | noun A notable adventure or exploit.
noun Bearing; carriage of one's person; deportment. ← (pregnancy, birthing)
-) Homophone: Gest
leads to → Wordnik | noun A Middle English form of guest.
-) Homophone: Jester
-) Homophone: Jest
ingest \ in gest
compounding interpretations offer the deeper revelation.