In-Hand Assets Unifying Masses By The Mind-Set
Deifying Mind-set Masses
This was a draft line.
The update lyrics carry the intent of the 'body' being deified through 'unifying' which inherrently creates 'body' (consequnce to the anologies).
Fuck, if you can help me organize all this without stepping on my authorship-toes, please do!! lol I will only do so much on my own. I'm not even a programer yet I'm using software to share this with you, who eagerly questions what about you – :P
- To person in the masses
- To the mind-set
- To the reputation
- To the Laundering
- To the nation (histrionics)
- Histrionics is how a nation is built, js.
(Bankers operate at this level, fyi.)
Masses by the mind-sets
28:00 middle of segment
Biological interpretation masses by te ind-set is the masses in the human body aligning towards a signal to an event.← lady on Humberman Lab Podcast about mind-set and digestion, and the resources she mentioned.
Trust faith let go.
Mind-set Christianity and the Bible isn’t required reading.
Getting to the view.
Goggins went back when he was 22
He still has his mother to forgive.
And his father to forgive, in person, not in his imagination.
Not diagnosing.
Essentially the intro 15min
JRE David Goggins’ 2nd appearance .
Deifying Mind-set Masses ← draft lyrics to what are now the production. This has been cleverly wrapped into the lyrics as is in production.
-) political party as the savior to damnation
- Uncle Tom mentions Obama as a God, yet not the mind-set itself.
Mind-set Masses
Interweave in conscious-coding Line by Line?
Code operating in biology.→ considering people as brains in vats.
Deifying Mind-set Masses.
The moment in 1000 Mules where the guy mentions the political party as holy and Obama as near-God.
And, there's a critic on this movie to incorporate in here..... yet the critic did acknolwedge multip drops in one box, whilst critiquening the lack of evedience of showing one person to multiple boxes? What were those nuances. Mind-set goes both ways.
Chris on JRE
-) Deifying Mind-set masses
Deceptive Market
Threats To Deifying
deceptive matkets threats to deifying mindsets I despise
subversion -> say this version after th subversion lyric.
This has been wrapped up in Token Economies??
- OH! Note-to-self!!! Token is mark, lolz Johnathan PageauewerwwerwehOh' on the Mark being a token (of sorts) required to participat ein the economy. (thus a token).
Conforms Symbol-Schisms,
In Hand Asset Parallaxes.
Being a person who sold his soul for use. Standing before a mirror reflection.
- A Pawn to Power’s Ponzi-Scheme. ← annotative lyrics or add to Response Song.
Relates to LastPass and Apple marketing themselves as service-products
hyphenated as its parallax relevance with shifting symbols.
Intro paragraph... paragraph... paragraph... paragraph... paragraph...
Lyric Display Syntax, Itallics
-) Acronym CSI
Crime Scene Investigation - Quick Quote. | Source-Link
part of language Definition | Dictionary
part of language Definition | Dictionary
part of language Definition | Dictionary
part of language Definition | Dictionary
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Referenced Chuncks elsewhere | Source Link.
Referenced material elsewhere | Source Link.