Interlace Conscious-Coding Apparitions,
cambridge analytica and these apps and WEF on these quizes to weaponize medical-grade psychometrics on people to weaponize propaganda.
Religion brought it…
chaos in the body’s object.
He said a warrior is brining people back.
1:44:00 before mention
Mindset anecdote to Mike Mutzel on his Q&A finishing questions. Most mystic? Thing he believes.
He shared an anecdote of a man who credited his professional athleticism to taking the time before to visualizing his muscles growing.
About being around language.
Relates to Dr Jordan B Peterson talking about writing in an essay the arguments you don’t believe, later you’ll align more with those arguments. (Might lead to echo chamber if avoiding the counter narrative?))
29:00 middle of segment
Decrypting DNA or (Just) (on) our lives?
- Here?
Deferential encryption -> mentioned on Lex Friedman talk.
To visualize hurting another person to display protection. Preparing to hurt another Roberson which is an in-built taboo to cause violence. So it’s operated in a context which discerns it as protection.
Me experience with catching fallen objects off a counter. Then asking a barista, “you first” in response being asked for my name.
Then it happened automatically.
Same for another vision , and then another.
Read through a second time to hear it as
Spoken Spec
Conscious-Coding … body’s object (NPCs, Ian says speculation,
(Zombie, Soulless, medicated <having diagnosing dome functions in the first reading>)
He’s giving
Lolz when I forgave a friend, she started comparing me to him (Dr Jordan B Peterson).
Shiiiiiiiit, well it was the clarity I requested, that’s what compared us. Just that I wanted to be clear with myself and her with herself.
Although as I learned from Huberman Lab Podcast woman see the image of God through Earthly Men, and thus, now having overcome my fallen state, she was seeing Images of God play out through me. She was seeing the spirit of Christ embodied before her. Proverbial characters signifying spiritual alignment.
1:00:00 middle of segment
Conscious coding body’s object. (Plays on objectify people, body’s object , and baby as a body’s object.)
Spoken spek written wording
What are the rules that would …
51:04 middle of segment
Spoke Spec – Conscious Coding body’s object –
Conscious coding body’s object. (Plays on objectify people, body’s object , and baby as a body’s object.)
Spoken spek written wording
What are the rules that would …
51:04 middle of segment
Conscious coding to our body’s object.
Going on about senses unimportant because it’s language that’s important for connection.
It’s meaning transfer. It’s the closest thing we have to remotely transferring memory & meaning among ourselves.
18:00 middle of segment
Conscious coding to his spoken spek.
55:00 beginning of segment
Consciousness is information processing,(data processing), Mikhaila Peterson IG with guy on setting matrix, JRE or somewhere guy seeing DNA and demons Sth processing/cleaning, myself, and more people.
What we just recreate picture perfect graphics similar to a matrix movie? Lolz
Or the matrix movie is an extension of ourselves in a way we are slipping towards understanding.
((Keep the wording awkward like this because it sounds like a question with its opener than it cements with itself as a statement :) ))
Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying
On consciousness
Is exclusively the expression, literally.
As I’ve understood their sharing of it.
→ being what you want to share to another person, is this the express or the thing itself, or is that both one and the same so long as we adapt the thing itself as we know it to the depths we continue to discover in its expression.
Lanugage as a Computer Program
for the word “these” → Language is awesomely predictable: These is the plural form of ‘the’ by adding ‘es’.
Conscious-Coding To Our Body’s Object.
Object oriented programming
applies to Conscious-Codingmore specifically because it is our language? Embodied Language? Spoken Spek? Not sure that’s where this specific annotation was headed.
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