Invoking Bureaucratic Combat Kept Us Feckless Serving Contracts,
Very Interesting. I’m not yet sure what to make of this.
The meme about negotiating and the clip of it streamed from Rekieta Law
- homeless man portrait (hugging face) ,_ or keep as the one I have and simply cite the photographer,photo by … for SEO?
Ukrainian supported anti-Semitic?(Nazi?)
47:00 Middle of Segment?
Contracts “signed implicitly as a citizen”
Citizenship was coerced.
Tell you that you can’t live in your home unless you obey. Then say because you live there you must obey because you you imply contractual obedience. It’s pure evil, spiritually speaking.
YT comment -
2:10 [implicitly signed] that’s what
tyrants tell you. Statist are violent cult.
- so he says I control you with my voice, ergo speaking God’s name in vein. Speaking with God’s authority in vein people’s ultimately he does not control people.
Bureaucratic Combat is politics
Politics Serving or Politics Servering
Servering adds subtle, nuanced imagery to the story.
- noun: (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network
- noun: (court games) the player who serves to start a point
- noun: a person whose occupation is to serve at table (as in a restaurant)
Social Contract
Is a beggary trick to get into the minds of people to be their own enemies.
I do not implicitly agree with the opinions of an ape. (post genealogy tree.)
Socialized Contractual Agreement.
- That’s a Pimp’s way of Keeping his bitches from turning against him. He tells them they all agree with each other, and then when they don’t, they have existential meltdowns because they believe that they should agree.
- Guy who researches, said on JRE, take them at their word, they truly believe the world is at a doomsday-fate and remain agitated when people don’t agree, as they believe the social contract is to change the terms and conditions without discussion. (TOS mentioned on TimCastIRL)
- That’s the US-Cartel fostering Left-Right factions. - Process Idea
Invoking Bureaucratic combat kept us feckless to reactive contracts.
Wordnik | Invoke:
- transitive verb To call for earnestly; solicit.
> Hillary Clinton video,
The IG story I posted with commentary-typface.
Is there a compilation of politicians saying the same thing? - transitive verb Computers To activate or start (a program, for example).
> Twitter \ Bots \ etc. - verb transitive To call upon (a person, especially a god) for help, assistance or guidance.
- verb transitive To appeal for validation to a (notably cited) authority.
- verb transitive To conjure up with incantations.
- verb transitive To bring about as an inevitable consequence.
Invoking Bureaucratic combat kept us feckless to reactive contracts. ← Pleasing, was.
Pleasing Bureaucratic combat kept us feckless to reactive contracts
Aggraceing Bureaucratic combat kept us feckless to reactive contracts ←Uh, what was I writting?
- iterations when writting this line.
Invoking Bureaucratic combat kept us feckless serving contracts.
- Because god is with you? Hmm.
What was I saying?
Invoking Bureaucratic combat Kept us feckless serving contracts, ← ling sung self-reflective.
Self-Consuming Contracts
TimCast IRL guest mentioned the people who verbally or ceremoniously sold their soul to the devil did not end up in a life well-lived by his own accounting, and implicitly neither by their own.
Subduesive Suitors’ Self-Consuming Pen-Chants
Invoking Bureaucratic combat Kept us feckless serving contracts,
> Snake Sounds to Cussing Sounds
Wikipedia Fief. A fief ( / fiːf /; Latin: feudum) was a central element in medieval contracts based on feudal law.
Clarifying the Doublespeak for Privacy Policy
Privacy Piracy
- Clarifying the Doublespeak for Privacy-Policy
- print common or esoteric yet effective or the core example or origin for this.
- Ask privacy lawyers around for a document on this, (if it’s older than contracts recognized in 2022, then add it as another image. Then the currently recognized document, then another one with it annotated.) - Include or Read with clarity, these segments.
Doublespeak | Wikipedia
Criticism of NCTE
Education against doublespeak
Illegetamite (dirty) consnet 'cleaned' by policy.