Leading Into Fane From Hell Disguised In Gilt.

- fain



Feign | Wordnik

> transitive verb To give a mental existence to, as to something not real or actual; to imagine; to invent; hence, to pretend; to form and relate as if true.

> transitive verb To represent by a false appearance of; to pretend; to counterfeit.

> transitive verb obsolete To dissemble; to conceal.

feign Homophones:

fane → weather rooster, a weather vane

→ noun: (obsolete) A banner, especially a military banner.

fain → adjective:   having made preparations

→ adverb: in a willing manner

feign → verb: make believe with the intent to deceive


Homophone: Definitions of fain:

adjective: having made preparations

adverb: in a willing manner

Homophone: Definitions of Fane:

noun: (obsolete) A weathercock, a weather vane.

noun: (obsolete) A banner, especially a military banner.

noun: A temple or sacred place.

Feigns from Hell Disguised in Guilt

> Wrapped up with fallen animals line?

Leading into Feigns from Hell

-) Homophone: Leading into Fangss from Hell

Hate-Cults Feign into Hell

-) Famous → Fame into hell

> Homophone: Fame

Feign into Hell

> inspired by Lupe Fiasco’s Murals Reign into Hell.
 (Double check his lyrics for this annotation)

Hate Cults Feign into hell

-) interconnects synthetic visions
 Wordnik→ pretending → imitate (impressionistic phishing) → represent falsely → […]

-) willing going into hell

> Wordnik → Happily; gladly → Ready; willing → Pleased; happy → Obliged or required.

Guilt’s Homophone: Gilt

Guilt | Wordnik Definitions

  • An obsolete variant of gild.
  • noun Money; geld.
  • noun A young female pig.
  • Gilded.
  • Of the color of gold; bright-yellow.
  • noun The material used in gilding.
  • noun One of a class of thieves.
  • noun A Middle English form of guilt.
  • A simplified spelling of guilt.
  • noun In archery, the innermost circle of the target; the gold.
  • noun Preterit of gild.

Stipulating shame through gilt,

> Legal through payment or guilded or golden payments/churches

Stipulating shame through guilt

> agreement via violent, psychological manipulation.

Stipulating shame through guilt
Violent Mothers Sell Politicians Death-by-Prison.

-) Violent, Psychological Manipulation is selling Men the idea on murdering their neighbors via prison-sentences.

Public does not mean “You”, it means “People-Property”

The Public is a Government’s property. Public Health is health of its property. You know this to be true when “You” are punished for not abiding by Public Health demands. When “You” are punished, it is because “You” are considered to be damaging Government property.

Shame through Guilt

compunction relevant, shame through guilt a punctureinto the soul.

Gilt baiting blame

Start with segment onnfjybaskinf about scams BLM

15:00 middle of segment


Synthetic Vision &
Palindrome-Pressure Pounding Culture
Stipulating shame through guilt
Con-Forms Symbol-Schism-Parallaxes.

Positioning a person to shame himself against another person perceived as a threat.

  • When NY had people tattle on their neighbors for engage within 6 ft.
    [cite each: Louis Rossman, Tim Dillon, Bret Weinstein Heather Heying]
  • “Another classic game theory scenario is known as the prisoner’s dilemma. Lila Maclellan, Quartz, 17 Apr. 2022”
    [Game Theory Recent Examples on the Web | Merriam-Webster]

Guilt (psychological-parallax ← once compounded with optical illusion which brings with it human perception).

Stipulating shame through guilt;

  • -) Biological
  • -) legal → conceptual agreement on damages (not based on quantitative accounting)
  • -) Biological & Philosophical → generating conceptual avenues → James Lindsay CRT Workshop (2nd) on clashing thesis with antithesis etc.

Stipulating shame through guilt;
your parallaxes.

-) psychological is conveyed in context

-) theme of visual analogy in context with (occurring light)

Stipulating Shame through Guilt

Wordnik | intransitive verb To make an agreement or covenant with any person or company to do or forbear anything; to bargain; to contract; to settle terms.

  • SJV’s Socialized Justice Vigilantes


  • Money incentives for admitting guilt. Thus an act of shame
  • -) Blame is the bait in a tap.
  • -) Blame is the trap.
  • -) Guilt is alluring blame closer.