Helter Skelter, Culture Crazes

Human Spirit Clawing

Clawing against encroaching nature.

Clawing against encroaching humans.
   The tire fitted over a human,
        Human nails scratching the inside  rubber frantically.

Bacteria eating emerges again as a theme to then animals eating animals
   (hogs eating leopard)

Human Spirit Clawing Animal Like Humans

((doubles as Animals acting like humans to bring connect thorugh from the animal))

Human Spirit Clawing

& - Optical Allusions

JBP → Cambridge to religious gatherings (concerts)

& - helter skelter culture crazes
   Tossing out ??[centrifugal force]?? punks from the society
        and tosses out the weak of that crowed from within the center of mosh pits.

noun a tall structure at a fair that you slide down and around for enjoyment | Cambridge

Helter-Skelter | Cambridge


  • adverb quickly and in all directions
  • noun a tall structure at a fair that you slide down and around for enjoyment

adjective, adverb hurried and not organized:

[not gradable]    An adjective that has no comparative or superlative form

Helter-Skelter, Culture Sculpture

((rather than hyphenate as Culture-Sculpture, the puntuation opens for each interpretation to the double adjective seperated by a comma or product of culture or sculpture that is the culture (mold allusion) continues to breathe life through it’s language as it’s lungs, and with its brevity as it’s density whilst its depth as its repositioning it withstands force through time. Houses for hurricanes move with storm-winds to not shatter, as mere molds do, and reveal itself as adaptive to its environment as species do. ))

Demonizing Ego Shows in mass
Denying evolution’s soul as a whole:
Human-Culture Clawing Helter-Skelter Spirit-Sculptures.

> Showing suddenly means so much more. Humans gone so far as to materialize the [showing].

Human-Culture Clawing Out
Helter-Skelter, Spirit-Sculptures.

> Humans breaking out an egg-shelling to a false-idol (themselves).


OneLook | Skelter:
(colloquial, with "away" or "off") To run off Helter-Skelter; to hurry; to scurry.
A gravity-based device used to store and rotate round food and drink in a first-in-first-out manner.

Helter-Skelter, Culture-Crazes
Faces Evolution with Dis-Graces.

-) Holding resentment towards life unraveling before you.
   (notes from the movie Revolver)

Helter-Skelter, Culture-Crazes
Faces Evolution with Dis-Graces.

To face evolution as a false idol. (- Process Idea) Evolution is not an origin story.

Wordnik | Evolution

  • noun A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
        Jonathan Pageau on scientific thinking Sth (relates to bait-and-switch, his scientific thinking talk, his talk with Dr. Jordan B Peterson and Douglas Murray, and search transcripts form his YT-Channel (and other people’s) transcripts for {big, bang, evolution, thinking, ...}
  • noun A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.
       Socialized Justice (-Process Idea) emergent systems among us. (- Process idea) (← among us is also within us.)
  • noun Mathematics The extraction of a root of a quantity.
       Mathematics interpretation
       Biology interpretation mixed with math? root of a quantity, like a tree-root is the root to an quantity of molecules, an object, a system.

Helter-Skelter, Culture-Crazes
Evolution with Dis-Graces.

→ was → Faces Evolution with Dis-Graces. ← was ←

> do the annotations apply just as much?

> will Faces add or distract?

> Crazes Faces. Faces evolution.
   Without faces can those sentiments carry forward?

Helter-Skelter, Culture-Crazes,
Evolution with Dis-Graces.

-) Crazes Evolution (like craving)

-) Crazes, Evolution (separate ideas by clauses) ← annotating annotations

-) the culture is Craving for disgraces.

-) Dawkins (seemingly) disgracing his previous views ((when line by line with pivoting between what they believe)) ← Bret Weinsteinwith the guy on are we in a dark age.

Helter-Skelter, Culture-Crazes
Resolution with Dis-Graces. (salt-analogy) (fluid)

> with the disgraces, finding re-solution.

> analogy goes into how “resolution” gets used.

> analogy applies to the returning to dissolving into being Salt-&-Water

> Helps with not standing on either side to prop-up into position. To stand in position.

when Written as:

Deconflicting via Dereliction, Return Trauma-Tantrums When you Question Extenuating His Forsaken Self-Consuming Souls, Incensed With Ever Knowing Our Light Occurs Through Father’s Logic.

  • [Jesse Lee Peterson to Michael Maliceon watching people like its TV, start with Michael Malice asking him what it’s like, then him responding with his analogy.]

Human, Hating Leader,
drew on Hue-Man Fighting,

> Reference to Dr Drew helping people figure themselves out when fighting (agitated?).

> Reference to Dr Drew helping people through anger. (novel nuance here from the other one?)

-) Drawing upon a person who is fighting

  • Because it doesn’t say protecting Fighting is reference to violence. →is actually a man who is  correcting the circumstance as a signal that protective use of force will be used. Alpha male via confrontation does construction with conviction.

Whine-Killing, Carried Shrilling

related to drunkenness, somehow

Human Drew on Hue-Man Fighting, His-White-Knight.

-) Human Drew on Hue-Man Fighting, His-White-Knight.

-) Human-Drew-on-Human,Fighting His-White-Knight

-) Human Drew on Hue-Man Fighting, His-White-Knight.

-) Human Drew on Hue-Man Fighting, His-White-Knight.

-) Human draws on, Hue-Man Fighting His White-Knight.

  • “as the evening draws on”