On Cozen Stages Incorporated

Entertainers in the [Music]-Inustry

With minimum participattion available for the audience, people skilled as performers provide themselves as talent-spectacles.

On Cozen Stages Incorporated

verb act with artful deceit | Wordnik: Cozen

noun A place where anything is publicly exhibited; a field for action; the scene of any noted action or career; the spot where any remarkable affair occurs. | Wordnik

Cozen Stages Incorporated
CSI Fine Arts Center - The CSI Theater Department

Sync this to Slim Shady's chorus. 😏


intransitive verb To mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive. | Wordnik
v. to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery - Merriam-Webster

intransitive verb To exhibit or present to an audience. | Wordnik

Witness Stand

Humans' law reaches towards God's order, performative doctrine.

Law Enforcement

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Crime Scene Investigation - Crime scenes contain physical evidence that is pertinent to a criminal investigation. This evidence is collected by crime scene investigators (CSI) and law enforcement. | Wikipedia

Social Platforms

Mediums for wrangling mind-sets or proselytizing for occupational authority.

intransitive verb To arrange and carry out. | Wordnik

"Social Media": Twitter Files: Why Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In - reported by Mat Taibbi

Operation Mockingbird: CIA had cultivated relationships with private institutions, including the press.[5] Without identifying individuals by name, the Church Committee stated that it found fifty journalists who had official, but secret, relationships with the CIA.[5] | Wikipedia

Cartel-Media Platforms Extracting Population-Wide Perception Down To The Level of The Individual Via Socialized Content-Access, Content-Publishing.

Perspective Itself

“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.”
― William Shakespeare, As You Like It

intransitive verb To persuade or induce to do something by cajoling or wheedling. | Wordnik

However, this change in perspective may lie elsewhere. In October 1955, Huxley had an experience while on mescaline that he considered more profound than those detailed in The Doors of Perception. He decided his previous experiments, the ones detailed in Doors and Heaven and Hell, had been "temptations to escape from the central reality into false, or at least imperfect and partial Nirvanas of beauty and mere knowledge."[82] He wrote in a letter to Humphry Osmond, that he experienced "the direct, total awareness, from the inside, so to say, of Love as the primary and fundamental cosmic fact. ... I was this fact; or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that this fact occupied the place where I had been."[83] The experience made its way into the final chapter of Island.[84] This raised a troublesome point. Was it better to pursue a course of careful psychological experimentation.... or was the real value of these drugs to "stimulate the most basic kind of religious ecstasy"?[82] | Wikipedia

Media Productions

Media itself is a display of narratives into which people arrest themselves to watch. When a people work on theatrics together, they call themselves a company.

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Crime Scene Investigation - television series spanning 15 seasons. | Wikipedia

Theatre Company

A theatre company is an organisation that produces theatrical performances

adjective Formed into or organized and maintained as a legal corporation. | Wordnik

Miller Outdoor Theatre, Houston TX | Wikipedia

Theatre Troupe

-) On Cozen Stages, Incorporated

adjective United into one body; combined. | Wordnik

A theatre troupe (or acting company), which is a group of theatrical performers working together. | Wikipedia

Media Productions

Media itself is a display of narratives into which people arrest themselves to watch. When a people work on theatrics together, they call themselves a company.

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Crime Scene Investigation - television series spanning 15 seasons. | Wikipedia


cozen -> cajoling -> Coax:
intransitive verb To obtain by persistent persuasion.

9-9- monograph tobacco - the intermitten advertising 9-9-


intransitive verb To move to or adjust toward a desired end.

cozen -> cajoling -> Coax:
verb transitive To persuade someone to do something which they are reluctant to do, often by flattery; to coax.

9-9- at time, coercection -> the flavor aid (Kool-aid) moment, menitoned on Mikaila Perterson 9-9-

Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash

Group-Forums such

Body of people engaging in Meaning Transference.

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Computer Society of India - Special-interest group for Computer Science and Information Processing. | Wikipedia.
Cozen Stages Incorporated
". . . is a body of computer professionals in India." | Wikipedia


Committee for Skeptical Inquiry

I enjoy skeptical perspectives. It's a reminder that science goes both ways. For as much we have on proving astrology wrong, there remains an inherent ignorance as to how exactly our genetics diviate from thresholds provided gravetational bodies far away.

For unfolding human behavior, I'm don't give credit to astrology any further than the 'butterfly effect'. Astrology isn't a hypothesis until a testing-method is provided to prove it wrong as much as we can determine the method would prove it accurate.

Until then, to dismiss a spiritual patterns (symbols, not astrology) or to esclusively distinguish from physically experienced patterns by extrapolating recorded anthology backwards whilst excluding our integrated development calibrated by environment (which we developmentally converse with) is to turn a blind eye, is it not?

"Our physical origins were not our spiritual origins." - Apollo Apostolos

Cozen Stages Incorporated
-) Acronym CSI
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry - "a program within the US non-profit organization Center for Inquiry (CFI), which seeks to 'promote scientific inquiry, critical investigation, and the use of reason in examining controversial and extraordinary claims.'" | Wikipedia

Soap Boxes

May Your Eyes be as Open as Your Mind