Radicals Tossing Trauma-Tantrums Parental Men Who Worship Women

Wraggling in lyrics from the drafts to update the connections into these published lyrics.

Here's a note I found to myself,
"(last minute adjustment to improve the line. I want to finish this song before the family goes broke.)"

Huberman Lab Podcast on attachment, is this in here?

Uses these definitions: relates to the spread anti-apical behavior has even to pro-social psychology.

noun: the material or source from which something is derived
noun: a group from which another arises and to which it usually remains subsidiary
    (these alternate definitions have relevance.)
noun: one that begets or brings forth offspring
noun: a person who brings up and cares for another
noun: an animal or plant that is regarded in relation to its offspring

Tossin’ (Tossing)

homophone: Tossed In,

homophone: Toss In

"Civil" Rights

Paying into civil rights leaders who exploiting the for their resources. (Layered to regimes.

Pay Rental Men …

was this video related to this or another similar reference?

Recycled trauma trends https://youtu.be/BED_D6Hc6TU

Civil Rights Lendin’ Leaders

Louis Ferrican (spelling?)
look for the video from a slave recorded audio talking about her life.


.  https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjDmKlfgu51/

Paying the Tax-Man

for your land, et cetera.

Pay Rental Men…

Relates back to Economic Self-Submission

a Coersive Self sub-mission, because your mission in life is to bring yourself into it with the rest of us (not because of us; it's on you). <- I'm straying from what I'm trying to say, I'll fingure out how to figure this out in words.

Prenting Children to Worship Femine

Men - WoMen - ParentalMen

Mankind - Man(Kin) - kin related as parents.
  This may not be offical etymology, still fun.

Trauma tantrums… Worship women (the spirit)
Conjecture Kings… to get her line (street-or-regime)
Streets the alluring character, broken attachment. (Say don’t love a woman yet you keep stimulating that experience. Like a child traumatized with a hot stove, you keep getting close yet jumping away violently as if it’ll burn you again and again and again.)
- the violence, threats, show-boating paid for at self-expense. <- annotative lyrics. “show-boating paid for at self-expense.”

Beta-Male Spirit

Worships Women

Here or to Garmenting Deficiencies, or a Line by Line?
Garmenting Deficiencies to reject Conscious-Coding To Our Body’s Object.
 Wrangler Star makes this explicit,
  using our proverbial curse (labor as work or birth) as excuses to not integrate our function.

The curse is the same for Men or Woman by name of labor but not by effect.

Con-tributing Phantasy, Crusading on Her abscission,
Symbolistic Mendicants Manipulating-Piety,
Serve His Own Calamity.

-) her detachment from society leads to his detachment from stability. (annotative lyrics)

-) his as in the father, the innate sense of a father’s bond. (kinship, lineage) kin-Can-Can’t

  • planted parks -
    Hollywood for planting seeds.
    What did me mean by this?
    Heroism is far?
    In a nation of bet males which hate wants to continual normalizing,
    It isn’t natural. It’s self-destructive (jlp video recently the case for anarchy)
    Planted parks -> James Lindsay queer theory SEL in schools.
    Betray marr-tin-gales
    Emerging storms of conspiracy.

Revisiting The One Damaging Relationship With 7 Different People

Dr Drew on this, just as Huberman Lab Podcast on this with Trauma.


How the Trauma Continues

Recycled trends | Marketing in Exploit to Broken Attachment.

going to decode these short-hand annotations.

Emotional Fluke [annotations link to Joshua Fluke]
Didn’t subscribe to
Emotional Fluke
Sub Scribe To
Time stamp here’s to the punchline
  Then then talk make dinner
  Then Drew says so I love you so I do all that?


Silly word to describe trauma perpetuated by the mother (momma)

J Cole Middle Child
Song Addresses raised by Mama’s et cetera – generations of trauma , generating tramuma

Note to Self, rather than discard these drafted lyrics – put these in the anotations.

He Trauma-Tantrum
When you Question Him
Extenuating His Genetic Extermination.

He’s avoiding being killed.

  • He’s avoiding being isolated from mating opportunities (imprisoned.)
  • He’s avoiding being isolated financially or socially (analogous to being killed)

You’re questioning him rather than killing him. It’s the non-violent thinking.

  • ...

Beta male trauma tantrums when you question… verse till … Submitting to submission.

  • Michael Malice segment until he says, “they’ll settle for your submission.” - Semi quote 38:50 beginning of segment https://youtu.be/wYfpHhCLvdo


Clawing out Trauma-Tantrums,


  • Tantrums as Displaying a “social”-Traps as in reputation-threat or mob-inducing.


Pretending She’s a Him Manipulating Piety
  • False priest, woman pastor, [The Fallen State episodes]
  • Jesse Lee Peterson on asking change body parts doesn’t change the spirit.

People You surround yourself is your ego, Acting prime you hate.

Trauma Tantrums

. https://youtu.be/LC2QcIid_YA

A Proxy-War or is it a Proxy Tantrums

label war-mongers as domestic radicals

label Davos group as …

label attendees to NYT event Mark and SBF and the rest as …

Recycled Trauma Tantrum Trends.

Vaush so young he forgot Obama and Biden were his disdain by their own behavior.
Add Dr who clip on the war going on so long people start breeding into it.
53:14 https://youtu.be/2yPNMbn3vdI

Protest of Paranoia

Hate Complex | Mother Complex


getting into the words of it.

-) Trauma tantrum is his way of extenuating his genetic […]

that clip Jesse Lee Peterson with the guy and tellig him not to let her tell him what to do, and her face lmao. Yeah ike she’s parenting him lmao

Trauma tantrums.

Recycled trauma tantrums
Things on Germans and checks
preferential treatments

Recycled  trending trauma tantrums
Making excuses such as trauma for handcuffs.
17:00 https://youtu.be/OlP0xQO69yk

Texting trauma tantrums
Or Sth about histrionic nations using recycled trauma tantrums
When Tim says, “I think you’re wrong.”
Then on about affirmative action and the additional examples.
1:57:00 before mention https://youtu.be/z8PEXSCVrnE

Raising Kids on Revision-Religion.

Broken Attachment
Broken Boundaries

In Her Revised-Religion, Raising Kids,
Radicals Throwing Trauma-Tantrums
Resemble Men Who Worship Women.
 Women will toss out fake words like misogyny to describe spiritual hate.
 So this line serves to clarify her own spiritual hate within her deceit. (Artificially Lamenting)
  > Clarity into [Can a Fallen woman be saved,  Jesse Lee Peterson]
   > Women who resemble men who worship women.
    > Women worshiping themselves.
     > Conscious-Coding to Our Body’s Object.
     > Programming loop. Interweaves tech interpretation.

Spiritual Trauma

Won’t draw boundaries.
Man draws on man.
To draw a man, you draw boundaries, his boundary, his body.

If people want to be “safe”.

Relates to Dr Jordan B Peterson on Motherhood’s malevolence. Re-word to be less rhetoric.
1:44 middle of segment https://youtube.com/watch?v=vX1VoLmG7hc&feature=share

Was I mistaken or did he not know people with light skin were slaves even after blacks got freedom? ((Double check details, I might be mistaken on this.))

David Lucas it wasn’t catching them with beets.

did he learn this from a Government-Education Facility?

Proverbial Mamma’s boy believes the lies.
((David, I don't mean disrespect, I intend to show the pattern.))

42:00 middle of segment https://youtu.be/AQ63Y-8yFys

Here? To focus on raising people in trauma?

-) Histrionic Nation’s Trauma-model

  • Model is a noun.

-) Histrionic Nation’s Trauma Model

  • Model is a verb.

?? what was this ??

Trauma Model
Subs if the fall

Broken attachment

Et cetera
Spiritual trauma
Like touching a hot stove.
“Even if your the one I’ll still run.” - Semi quote

here as in don’t fret about it till it becomes traumatizing ?

YT-Short on Dr Jordan B Peterson on why the good mother necessarily fails.

Here or Ruinous … denature failures?

Trauma-Tantrum or Ruinous Connoisseurs
Identifying as a woman
    Mr. West Interrupting Ms. SwiftThen
I don’t like you
Then I became just like you
Several you become what you hate moments.
Childhood out into every song/album
Trauma state

Recycling Trauma
 Or trauma tantrums
 You beat her she leaves for him he beats her - Semi quote

ReeeCycled tending trauma tantrums
 Reee meme as an annotation

Trauma Tantrums Generating Accusations https://youtu.be/y23idoQeCtc

Here? Inner pain. https://youtu.be/_-idItlQWHE

May Your Eyes be as Open as Your Mind