Suffocate Another Family. Separated, Fading, Frozen, Raging,

> compilation of wails in the courtroom. ← that’s an annotation compounded as fuck.
-) the family were the people taking breaths, thus sent to prison.
  > → without comma: Strangle Yet Another Family Taking Breaths
  > taking life of the community.
  > taking life of people around them.
  > Cartel like

Stealing Spirits

God over Jesus, Jesus in Man, Man over Woman, Woman over Children. Stealing people into public Zoo's keeps the human-spirit on display, hidden away.

Suffocate Another Family.   Separated,   Fading

Suffocate -> Breathe -> Spirit
9-9- breathe 9-9-

Gasping for Breath

In repsonse to guilty verdicts, family members gasp for breath in their shock to their family being sent to prison.

Suffocate Another Family.

9-9- time-stamp it, 22:00 before mention, use Rumble embed. 9-9-

Caption with: When King Los mentions prisons got the streets in a sleeper

Spiritual Trauma

Fathers in prison (consequence to their actions and the State's) stagnantes offspring in a spiritual trauma {hate, resentment, annoyance}. With families broke in parts locked away, development of the offspring's mental capacities remains incomplete. (easter-egg-it or make bold to emphazize the intertwining upfront?)

Separated, Fading, Frozen Raging
 -) written without a comma after 'Fozen', so what's frozen becomes the Raging.


-) Suffocating the family by stealing their spirits into captivity whilst demanding rent from that community to continue prisoning-operations as a hoodwink on them into laundering the money stolen from them (taxes).

This deprives communities of their spirit, as mentioned by King Los "... streets in a sleeper". 9-9- get full quote

- “rage” → Lupe said in KIOSK 2:20 ish

Separated,   Fading,   Frozen,   Raging,

-) interpreted syntax

- Frozen Raging contrast
without being mutually exclusive.
-Sophisticated contrasting.
- Complimentary Contrasting

Frozen is cold state of physical temperature.
Raging is hot state of spiritual temperature.
- Conveys temp’ w/out canceling the other.

Responses to Verdicts.

Separated,   Fading,   Frozen,   Raging

Suffocate / Stuff-a-Crate / Snuff-a-Crate

May Your Eyes be as Open as Your Mind