Switching On Attrition In Addition,

Regimes Intercept All The Same,
Switching on Attrition In Addition,

-) Violence-Tornado

  • Doublespeak → Social Tornado.

-) Attrition Definitions - break these into perspective-categoriess

  • noun:   sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation
    → not for integrity, for fear of being exposed,
  • noun:   the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice
    Water → feminine
    Wind → Storm
    Ice → strangle families → frozen families.


  • Break apart external phenotype
    Rather than reducing the behaviors or ideas through connection to the community
        - (prison serves to) break away people form the community.
        - Particulars from the whole. (communist adjacent when it’s intended as preemptive deterrent or punitive retaliation).
            To reduce by commutation or attrition; make small or fine: as, extremely attenuated particles of dust or flour. | Wordnik
  • Locking people up.
    Attrition| noun A gradual reduction in number or strength because of stress or military action.
  • Consequence to being upheld by participation,  the state eroding itself away, relevant to cannibal.
    Attrition| noun The act of wearing away by rubbing; the state of being worn down or smoothed by friction; abrasion.