Telegraphic Aberrated Tapestry Exporting Chaos-Orders Marching On Anatomy,
Human Bodies
As a medium for moving behaviors from on area to another, people have their bodies to move about.
nature's rich tapestry
noun something resembling tapestry (as in complexity or richness of design) | Merriam-Webster
Anatomy …. Aberrated imageries line.
10:18 middle of segment
Anatomy chasing aberrated imageries.
Juice world reaction by Scru Face Jean about flipping words like RIP and taken et cetera
The poetic medical video on YT.
With the Latin words.
Machining on Knowledge (and Name)
Cambridge changes definitions woman and man.
James Lindsay’s IG
Scholarship not inspired by God, inspired by letters.
8:20 middle of segment
Machining on anatomy (knowledge and name)
Dining a new term to disguise inside ignorance.
- Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
-Vaccine Hesitancy
9:30 after mention for both.
Again for
- Long CoviD
Anatomy to music to the school built for learning music through dance and the body.
And learning itself, as a tangent from anatomy as knowledge as well.
Then at the end of this is how, books on topics are these annotations to the these lyrics. Or books can serve as over drilling down niches.
Early Warning is both a caution to the books and a outlay from which books emerge up from (or drop into).
It’s the bookshelf luring on its back as each word:phrase (word to phrase) is a slot for a book.
Line by line pairs also work as slots unlocked.
So is it as insight as all the books?
-it is not.
It is the bookshelf.
I made a bookshelf in a role as librarian to The Library. Which is information\art at your access.
Btw, thought is an art. Art is an expression through a craft. As well as is thought.
Both are to be interpreted, not obeyed.
I am but a mere carpenter who devised a bookshelf.
Marching on Anatomy – –
Chaos orders (marketing (Seth Godin on gold fish and noise and cereal)). (Including pornography).
Marching on anatomist
Relates to doyen-admonition in novating (James Lindsay on education brining taken controlled of.)
“Intellectual knowledge … word.”
Chaos-Orders Marching on Anatomy.
4:29 beginning of segment
Fetus-state baby developing.
- Chaos Order in body’s object.
Oooh, “fetus-state baby” -
Here for Aberrated?
Averaged imageries ( Aberrated? )
Dr Jordan B Peterson clip the rise of Dr Jordan B Peterson when He says (puts on the mask) this is how they see me, a monster. - Semi quote .
- Aberrated imageries.
Reason of mask in plane,
And then later on in the episode mandates not for medical well-being.
Telegraphic aberrated tapestry
techno color cloak cape robe thing
Techno or multi
Multi color? Dream coat robe in Bible?
Aberrated tapestries
That scarf 🧣
Not legitimate, Aberrated imagery
11:30 middle of segment
Most dangerous … partial truth.
Abberatred inageries
Abating chaining aberrated imageries… Line
-) complaining about one party or the other or both ((Michael Malice on this with Glenn back))
25:00 middle of segment ?
-) moving pawns around, Jack was the figure head. It’s just about what pieces in the board they show you. Remaining to themes of chess like Revolver, Curtis with Tim, … et cetera.
27:30 beginning of segment
Aberrated tapestries
Bugs bunny with Hunter Sth duck season
No rabbit season Flipping
That’s almost like Conversation version
Aberrated tapestries.
This guy on music,
yet another video in my YT history.
- Abberated lines
Shift rhythm to exemplify it.
Anatomy as Knowledge: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
screen graps for those book-covers
Saying the line Carries a Rhythm Which begins to paint a story.
- Disconnected Dictionaries [segment]
noun a religion based upon the evidences of a God and his qualities, which is supplied by natural phenomena. See Natural theology, under Natural. | Wordnik
noun: a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny | Rhymezone
noun: institution to express belief in a divine power | Rhymezone
Lacks mentioning Logic. [prageure mentions on TimCast IRL moral and logic]
Divine as a placeholder for what it does not see.
Annotation on dictionaries reflecting culture or swept up in forcing culture.
Animalism | noun: the doctrine that human beings are purely animal in nature and lacking a spiritual nature
Spirit is an unexplained source for personality being expressed by the material body. Animal bodies express personality. Thus, spiritual nature.
when people writing dictionaries don’t understand.
Spiritism is consequently a moral doctrine that strengthens the religious sentiments in general and (...) belongs to all religions, and not any one in particular.[5]Spiritist philosophy postulates that humans, along with all other living beings, are essentially immortal spirits that temporarily inhabit physical bodies for several necessary incarnationsto attain moral and intellectual improvement. It also asserts that disembodied spirits, through passive or active mediumship, may have beneficent or malevolent influence on the physical world.[6]Spiritism is an evolution-affirmingreligion.[citation needed] – Spiritist | Wikipedia
Seeing bush few as moving fish post for Racism definition
(Which didn’t exist anyways)
And using it as an observation to posit h the Words definition
Yet not taking into account the majority of people who preserve the definitions integrity by not throwing that word into conversation.
This it looks to have changed definitions yet it has not.
Anthologist make this mistake.
Trash piles as Observations to posit what people are. It wasn’t. It was prides trash thrown out.
Add Kirk from JRE on this. (kirk?)
Dictionaries, Encyclopedia, → Wikipedia → Defaming Bret Weinstein, as he elucidate on the “missed the boat” episode.
- Dictionaries and encyclopedias getting it yet slightly off-kilter.
Etymonline | Religion “action or conduct indicating a belief in a divine power and reverence for and desire to please it” ← nearly there.
Not so much the wanting to please it, it’s wanting to provide oneself with the clarity to attune to it., like calibrating. → from the outside it looks like wanting to please it. Like people worshiping idols. Reminds me of the Intensive-Care-Unit Doctor who referred to NVC as only useful for conflicts. Yet that was likely learned from people who took one class from it. I suggested he learn it directly from Marshal Rosenberg himself, via workshops of his posted online. He says himself that speaking in a formulaic manner isn’t the intent, it’s merely the starting point until the concepts are intuitive. Then you speak normally.
Domestic Propaganda Slips:
Marching on anatomy…. Line
+ Artificially Lamenting…. phishing <- update lyric orientation
Some people dislike this use of man because it does not seem to give women equal importance with men. They prefer to use other words, such as operate and staff.
[ən ]
Religious Mechanism
Anatomy as Labels to Signal Distinction as Signaling Secial Knowledge Adherence.
Exported Through Anatomy
(archaic) A skeleton, or dead body.
like a soul exporting, matches the archaic language founded in spiritual revelations.
The art of studying the different parts of any organized body, to discover their situation, structure, and economy.
The science that deals with the form and structure of organic bodies; anatomical structure or organization.
(countable) A treatise or book on anatomy.
(by extension) The act of dividing anything, corporeal or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts.
“Conscious-Coding Exported Through Anatomy” ← like literature, …
(colloquial) The form of an individual
(euphemistic) The human body, especially in reference to the private parts.
The physical or functional organization of an organism, or part of it.
To further express that chaos is not without structure
Chaos Orderin
Relates to the segment Matthieu Pageau (spelling?) clarified that it wasn’t chaos Jordan was referring to with him, it was meaninglessness.
voluntary as marching on …?
Volunteering Their Forsaken Self-Consuming ← letting people do what people do.
-) hate cults, post-modern, guy on fallen state about animals, mindsets that meaning is made up so it leaves meaning forsaken which consumes people into disordered behaviors according to their own accord {depression, anxiety, gender dysphoria (spelling\phrasing?)
(needing it to be in DMS-V (spelling\phrasing?)for medicine ← that relates to the same people loosing their twitter-salaries from getting themselves fired by turning advertisers away from the company. )
To grow To live without a Political Interest Cartel
Biology interpretation
[Barnacules on needing the police in a spaceship]
botany A plant that grows in disturbed soil. | Wordnik
verb intransitive, botany To grow without human sowing or intentional cultivation. | Wordnik
| Merriam-Webster |
noun 1: a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: such as
A.1: one who enters into military service voluntarily
B.1 : one who renders a service or takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest
B.2 : one who receives a conveyance or transfer of property without giving valuable consideration
noun 2 : a volunteer plant
-9-9 instead of this, get a photo of a plant riding on the back of the bus -9-9
Example: Equality translated.
Note for James Lindsay
MORE FAKE NEWS EXPOSED A HALF CENTURY TOO LATE ~ Rosa Parks – Why Do Americans Worship Traitors?
High Lander Center: Education for Action
Candy Wrappers
Body wraps in fat Consequences
Marching.... Tapestries...
Candy Raps
Sweet raps 23:07 →Link?