Under Rain Con-Pressing Contents Together

Corporate  Media

Fake News or like the New York Times its a  Public-Relations Agency in Disguise (PR-AD).

Statement by NewsGuard on the Updated Ratings for the Websites of Fox News and MSNBC - NewsGuard
Ratings fall for both websites as the journalistic practices of their broadcasting operations lower the journalistic standards of the websites (New York — July 22, 2022) NewsGuard this week updated its ratings and Nutrition Labels for FoxNews.com and MSNBC.com, the websites of two of the largest cab…

James O'Keefe video on this, I've got somewhere noted....

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Fabric that when worn symbolizes a bleeding wound. Relates to come plying under colors gauze and blood, which is to show Garmenting Disorders.

Under Rain Compress in Contents Together
Under Reign Con-Press in Con-Tents Together (To Get Her)

noun a thick, soft piece of cloth that is pressed to a part of a person's body to stop bleeding or to reduce pain or swelling | Cambridge

Con-Press & Compress interpretations combine for the deeper revelation.

Seperate that annotation aove into snippetof materials like feminism or media desinedto provide resentmenta voicein the head of the person in the audience.

May Your Eyes be as Open as Your Mind