[Verse 1]
– On Cozen Stages Incorporated, Violence-Brokers Wheedling Public-Spaces
Suffocate Another Family. Separated, Fading, Frozen, Raging,
FiliationsBenefit Whom They Resent – Involuntary Prisons Seeking Rent.
Pre-Piety Progeny’s Altricial Psychiatry Commonly These Events:
In this verse or about annotations?
- Eugenics sth
- stages in life
Violence-Brokers wheedling Public-Spaces Strangle Yet Another Family.
- Slavery, in the past as a reference heard in hip-hop, also show video of it today as mentioned on JRE, also sex trafficking in Texas.
People editing Wikipedia embody this line by putting the term rent-seeking as part of a series on Capitalism. Using a [term of art] which merely describes an accounting system to launder the blame for human slaughter, actually benefits the people who intend to use rent-seeking as a method for capture wealth from the economy. How? Because to cast this on Capitalism is colloquially known to be an act to deter people away from anything that’s not either Socialism orCommunism (the two models of coercion which functionally require rent-seeking).
- [provide screenshots]
Then of course people who work to launder stolen money are cited for speaking in favor of rent-seeking:
In some cases, rent-seeking can provide a net positive for an economy. Shannon K. Mitchell's article "The Welfare Effects of Rent-Saving and Rent-Seeking" provides such an example through a model of rent-seeking when firms need to expand to obtain their exporting rents.[23]
Economists such as Lord Adair Turner, the former chair of the British Financial Services Authority, have argued that innovation in the financial industry is often a form of rent-seeking.[24][25]
On the flip-side to the coin of authority, mandates to regulate prices down falsifies market value for services. [clip segment of that guy speaking on The Futur for when higher prices reflect underpinning value that wasn’t being expressed.]