[Verse 16]
In-Hand Assets Unifying Masses By The Mind-Set
Histrionic Nations Launder Reputations By The Masses
A Divvy-Adoration’s Lusting Inundate
{Hate & Anger] Bait For Pandar.
Accounted For In Portraits Fraught In Classes,
Doing Admonition Innovating:
Drama-Boxes Dictating
Accusations Auctioning
Docking Stations Charging
Ballot Motions Carping
-) a reputation for undressing.
> Lusting,
> Selling vulnerabilities
technological or by person
> Telling the Truth
> […]
Ballot-Boxes Dock In Stations Generating Accusations
- Ballot Rigging
- Ballot Stuffing
- However, from the way it was conducted there could be ballot rigging in that place.
From the Hansard archive | this link? Electoral fraud - Wikipedia
Freights in Classes, Ballot-Boxes
Dock In Stations Generating Accusations
-) Leading Questions to accuse parents of not understanding etc.
- The two lines together. (line by line?)
Ballot-Boxes freights in Classes
-) Shipping Crates Freights in Boxes
-) Shipping Classes of boats
-) Classes to Certify.
-) Classes of Driver’s Licenses
-) Classes to Certify.
-) Classrooms use Phantasy to Indoctrinate
Dictating Ballot-Boxes-Dock-in-Stations Generating Accusations
-) Laundering Reputations compromises jury-integrity.
- Kyle Rhettenhouse (spelling?)
Beggary-Tricks Fraight in Classes
- Marxism as a form of beggary linguistics to trick perceptions into dividing populations by classes.
accounted for in Poor-Traits Fraught in Classes
- Accounted Foreign Portraits, Fraughtin' Classes
Histrionic-Nations launder Reputationon the masses,
Transitions transfixed,deprecatingTrauma-Models
accounted for in Poor-Traits Fraught in Classes,
DictatingBallot-Boxes, Dock in Stations
Hounding Mothers
Sell Lamenting Politicians
Death by Silence in a Prison Inanition.
Almost unclear as to who is selling to politicians. Is it Nations or Mothers? This is useful poetry because either interpretation is just as accurate.
- -) Histrionic Nations Sell to politicians
- -) Violent Mothers sell to politicians.
Read as God, being mentioned first, is the one selling politicians, and creating all these characters.
- -) Satanic reading
- -) Celestial reading
Histrionic-Nations launder Reputationon the masses,
Transitions transfixed, deprecating Trauma-Models
-) (Somehow) to defend or decrease the treat presented by tactics to induce-or-exploit spiritual trauma.
-) Methods to belittle used by Trans Movement
-) Reducing People into mere Trauma-Models
-) Exploiting Broken Attachment damages the people involved.
- Be it children watching movies, adults watching movies, or the sound-crew surrounding themselves with the trauma culture).
Fraught in Classes, ballot boxes generating accusations
- Mass-Reporting onto Rek’Law YT channel.
- Was it people mass-reporting or was it bot accounts?
- Will Tyrannies be enforced by people or enforced by robots & bot-accounts?
Images serving well as memes:
New Discourses, Author at New Discourses
Image: https://cdn.swisscows.com/image?url=https://newdiscourses.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/colin-lloyd-x5-62_ZWDlk-unsplash-copy-16x9-1-2048x1152.jpg
This one relates to the Fuck You! For the immature interpretation.
MIddle-Finger Crowd | New Discourses
Image: https://cdn.swisscows.com/image?url=https://newdiscourses.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/alex-motoc-sAhHyQiQKT8-unsplash-copysquare-scaled-e1629306641500-1160x774.jpg
This image for solo walking with composition of objects moving perpendicular, nearly bisecting each other.
Lady walking across the street in ugg-boots | New Discourses
Histrionic-Nations launder Reputationsbythe masses,
Trauma-Models Transposing Transitions Transfixed,
Accounted forinPortraitsDictatingBallot-Boxes,
DockingStations GeneratingAccusations Fraughtin Classes.
→ Was → vVv
Histrionic-Nations launder Reputationsbythe masses,
Transitions Transfixed,TransposingTrauma-Models,
Accounted forinPortraitsFraughtin Classes
DictatingBallot-Boxes, Docking Stations Generating Accusations.
Dictating Drama-Boxes
→was → Ballot Boxes ← was ←
more clearly asserts ballot-boxes as drama-centralizing strategy to avoid confrontation.
Accounted for in Portraits Fraught in Classes,
Doyen-Admonition in Novating:
Docking Stations Charging Accusations
- Moaist suffer-systems ((annotative lyrics))
tattling on our neighbor feeds biomass energy into the assemblage. (using the lyrics to annotate the lyrics, like a dictionary uses its words to define words.)) ← annotating the annotations
Ballot Motions Dictating drama-boxes
legal court has a set of triggers to abide by for proceeding through its hypothetical mechanisms hyper-technical. Rules of the Court. ((there I go again using the lyrics to explain the lyrics, like a dictionary, like library sourcing a source from a source down the source from a source to your source.)
HistrionicsLaunder Reputations By the Masses
In-hand Assets Unifying Masses by the Mind-Set
Accounted for in Portraits Fraught in Classes,
- smooth even when conveying a phone delivering reputations
(or TV) (or Newspaper) (or book)
Classes, Rage in Murders, Undressing Eminence
-) Scholastic Regime-Indoctrinate-Passivism-Programs
- R.I.P.P. America, Ripping America
Ballot Boxes
- longest psy-op.
- Ballot | Cambridge : verb to organize a secret vote by a group of people in order to find out their views:
Drama-Boxes Dictating Accusations Auctioning
Docking Stations Charging Ballot Motions
-) Drama-Boxes Dictating Accusations,
Auctioning Docking-Stations Charging Ballet-Motions
Docking Stations Charging Ballot Motions
Planting Parks ← Cambridge | Station noun a building and the surrounding area where buses or trains stop for people to get on or off:
- Rekieta Law on Clarence Thomas
Image in EW album
Caution to image.
Could the teachers be providing the mind-sets? 🙀💦🔫
How many welfare recipients (aka public teachers) are instigating hate-culture?
Docking Stations
Voting centers like police stations
Cutting booths like shopping stations
People navigate water analogies,
Cutting sold as relevant to navigating life-decisions, outsourced, like economics outsourcing.
Ballot boxes also jury at courts voting in Accusations of Guilt.
Ellis dock in police station (double check if he was)
Accusing police of of racism.
Police stations people go into for documenting accusations.
Documenting the easy word , how it is provides sophisticated novelty.
Dictating Ballot Boxes
Because ethics and values et cetera
Are inbuilt response to external stimuli.
These aren’t to be labeled as material specifics, rather as orientations for navigation.
(That didn’t help, needs another word.
Much like human consciousness in Ex-Machina)
Ballot Boxes
22:00 and the segment of her before, and well, a lot of these segments, is how voting doesn’t work.
I don’t want these people to have a voice over me.
YT comment I made - You think this is a video about humor.
It’s actually a video on how voting is tyranny is disguise. These people vote on how you live your life. Do you want their voice to tally up against you?
Ballot boxes generating accusations.
Text messages and DM’s of accusations.
Dictating drama auctions ballet motions.
Quote Whitney Webb
Vote some guy to claw his way up… some System - semi quote
1:24:00 before mention
Whitney Webb?? Which Video?
Ballet \ Ballot Motions
Unrest \ thinking in flux \ learning \ forgetting (intentional or unintentional)
- also with fb and YT and Twitter word-lists.
drama boxes (houses and homes??)
- Little empty boxes
Like ballot boxes?
Max Lugavere documentary
Dictating -Ballot-Boxes
Be both ideas compounded into posts saying voters. Russia and US and Meta/FB and Alphabet.
Dictating ballot boxes
Ballot boxes.
Vote with your time and money
The futur boxes in boxes.
His typography poster review video?
Edit of putting too many boxes.
Embeds stopped working for the channel.
Relates to dictating ballot-boxes.
Freight in classes
Ship in classes to the Industries.
Heather Heying on students become HR employees (dictating ballot boxes, racial quotas, hired or not, dictated by beggary tricks, Jesse Lee Peterson on those words don’t mean what you think that video I watched and his more recent one at a college/Uni event in celebrating those which he disillusioned) et cetera early DarkHorse Podcast episode.
666 into the accounted for verse?
Poor traits relevant as accounting for everything consequentially leads to posturing the demise as the mascot because it must be accounted for and every category has already been filled, ergo the only thing left is the voice, the mascot, the reparation which reveals itself as the tyranny it had been because the mask must drop to show the face of the demise. <- annotating annotations, the face of the demise both in terms of the people who seek out demise and the face of demise to speak of demise as a spirit as a series of events. - Semi quote
Divvy…. Bait for pandar
- Marketing leaving is divvy
- And a atarter list for CEO’s compromised
- C_** place of interest ?
- God’s promise to not flood
- To not punish
- Hope mindset
- Rat Experiment
Histrionic nation doyen-admonistration
WH on deadly winter.
Histrionic Nations verse
Civic Rights leaders lending leaders
Histrionics in verse with charging and tech reference because most related.
Tech as Extensions of our capacities in Rhapsodies.
Socialism media et cetera.
Histrionic nations
- The set and what Luke said fake President
- Then people do what they want anyways.
- And corrected when said anothe thing.
- show the receipts.
16:30 middle of segment
Histrionic nations verse?
- Recycled, trending?
- Viyerism -> not sexual attraction -> Resentment Attraction <- Jesse Lee Peterson on this.
- Ch takes companies.
- US does as well.
- VPN’s
- Social servers {FB,…}
- 14 eyes. -> resentment.
Histrionic Nations
((Read the articles written for insight.))
Private Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGQSY5bII5I
Charging Ballot Motions
-) Legal Charges are a theatrics
Execution Dock was a place in the River Thames near the shoreline at Wapping, London, that was used for more than 400 years to execute pirates, smugglers... |
Christopher Dock (c.1698—1771) was a Mennonite educator who worked primarily in South-East Pennsylvania. His teaching techniques stood in contrast to the... |
- Dock in Stations Charging
In August 1973, pictures circulated of Ellis wearing hair curlers in the bullpen during pregame warmups.[2][6]The Pirates told him not to wear curlers on the field again. Ellis agreed,[6][66]but charged that the Pirates were displaying racism.[6]Ebonydevoted a spread to Ellis about his hairstyles, which was inspired by the hair-curler incident.[4]
Dock in Stations GeneratingAccusations,
-) Makes accusations thatstimulate generating [commissions]to investigate, which is intended tocause stoppages, a ‘dock’ (dock’s definition, does it match context?).
-) provides an example to the starting line. (with Elis Dock, was in a police station?)
Laundering Violent Communication through Diagnosis
- Defamation to share screenshots of legal documents from court cases?
- Labeling Far Right, then Diagnosing the Far Right, thus Diagnosing the Person.
- Link Elon’s tweet, Quit Defaming Me, or Sth like that. - Decentralize the paperwork for filing claims and gathering intel.
- Through book of letters → https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519704/table/ch3.t11/
- The changes are laughable. https://www.verywellmind.com/diagnosing-a-specific-phobia-2671981
“The far-right celebration comes as homophobic and transphobic slurs and rhetoric have had a resurgence within Republican politics this year.” ← find a quote diagnosing a specific person.
Site defamation cases in legal court cases. - NBCNews | Matt Lavietes
And then you find could source this on PubMed
PubMed credits both people listed as authors as from this place → https://unige.it/it/
A proposal for including nomophobia in the new DSM-V
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi1,2 and Giovanni Del Puente2
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi | PubMed
1School of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
2DINOGMI, Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health, Section of Psychiatry, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Find articles by Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
2DINOGMI, Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health, Section of Psychiatry, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Find articles by Giovanni Del Puente
On: Hijab and homosexuality--a case report and review of the literature.
Bragazzi NL, Del Puente G. Int J Psychoanal. 2015 Oct;96(5):1417-20. doi: 10.1111/1745-8315.12341. PMID: 26493170 Review. No abstract available.
Why P6 Medicine Needs Clinical Psychology and a Trans-Cultural Approach.
Bragazzi NL, Del Puente G. Health Psychol Res. 2013 Jan 28;1(1):e5. doi: 10.4081/hpr.2013.e5. eCollection 2013 Jan 2. PMID: 26973894 Free PMC article. No abstract available.
Adawi M, Bragazzi NL, Argumosa-Villar L, Boada-Grau J, Vigil-Colet A, Yildirim C, Del Puente G, Watad A. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2018 Jan 22;6(1):e24. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.9186. PMID: 29358161 Free PMC article.
Trans-Cultural Validation of the "Academic Flow Scale" (Flow 4D 16) in Arabic Language: Insights for Occupational and Educational Psychology From an Exploratory Study.
Chalghaf N, Azaiez C, Krakdiya H, Guelmami N, Re TS, Maldonado Briegas JJ, Zerbetto R, Del Puente G, Garbarino S, Bragazzi NL, Azaiez F. Front Psychol. 2019 Oct 15;10:2330. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02330. eCollection 2019. PMID: 31681119 Free PMC article.
Googling for Suicide-Content and Quality Analysis of Suicide-Related Websites: Thematic Analysis.
Chen W, Boggero A, Del Puente G, Olcese M, Prestia D, Jahrami H, Chalghaf N, Guelmami N, Azaiez F, Bragazzi NL. JMIR Form Res. 2021 Nov 11;5(11):e29146. doi: 10.2196/29146. PMID: 34689118 Free PMC article.
Dictating Drama-Auctions via Ballot Motions.
- Ballet Motions
- Ballot Motions
- -) art, movies, et cetera
- -) politics
- -) politics a a con game about drama and sordid tricks
- -) dictating how people move in this theater, in terms of how they get to be on the ballots,
- -) in terms of how how far they go,
- -) in terms of who people get to vote on (red-tape-restrictions applied to weed people out)
Need to Re-Organize These
- Attesting Creativity Deraignment
- (whole verse?)
- Becoming Divisive Commodities (regulations)
- Diluting Equivalent Dissonance (competition)
- Beggary Transforming Transmissions, (result of effective lobbying)
- Expunging Coxcombry Memories.
- TimCastIRL → with Andy Ngo on corporations and governess and investments.