[Verse 6]

Exploiting Emergent Seeds In Views As Possession,
Forbidding Public-Blunder Director
Under Rain Con-Pressing Contents Together
(Till) Not One Subject Detests Subtext To Spoiled Contests In A Royals’ Conquest.
In Gest, Your Aversion Bleeding Memory In Every Trajectory,
Avoiding Leaving Behind Dissector-Inspectors, Leeching On Stretchers!

Government Facilitating Predators' Descent Upon Children

It's an act committed by individuals, yes; it's not explicity governmentitself.

double check lyric-interpretation

Exploiting Emergent Seeds In Views As Possession,
For Bidding Public-Blunder Director
Under Rain Con-Pressing Contents Together
(Till) Not One Subject Detests Sub-text To Spoiled Con-Tests In A Roils Con-Quest
Ingest, Your Aversion Bleeding Memory In Every Trajectory,
Avoiding Leaving Behind Dissector-Inspectors, Leeching On Stretchers!

Shamed for not following along.

The History Behind ‘Jojo Rabbit’ and What It Was Really Like to Be in the Hitler Youth
“Hitler has made the youth and the youth are ruling Germany,” one British Army chaplain, who had been a prisoner of war, said in 1943
Time -> “He alone who owns the youth gains the future.” <- Wiener Holocaust Library

Cults Detatch You From Your Family, Friends, Neighbors

Perhaps I need to  move thisto  schisms  and manmake one  imageso  it’s readable on mobile. note to self.

Exploiting Emergent Seeds
Exploiting  Emergencies
[Biden attacks... MAGA]
[Nazi Propaganda]

I need revist these to double check parallels. note to self.

Indoctrinating Youth
Making a Leader
The Nazis used propaganda to to facilitate persecution, war, and ultimately genocide. Read more about the cult of the leader around Adolf Hitler.
Yale Global Executive Leadership Program
Heighten your impact on your organization and society with new ideas, tools, and frameworks that will evolve your leadership.
"Transform yourself, your organization, and society." - "Dynamic & reliable."

https://web.archive.org/web/20200703221016/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/us/minneapolis-government-george-floyd.html <- need to look at this - note-to-self.

Exploiting Emergent Seeds
Exploiting  Emergencies


“You need….” “We should…” “We must…” “You should….”

to use SJW\V (shorthand annotation) as a hypothetical mechanismto wrap people up into a cause\movement. (contracts).

Exploiting Emergent Seeds In View As Possessions.


no having an inside inspector ← relates to in specters. Line.

ForbiddingPublic-Blunderdirectors Under Rain compressingcontents together

for bidding Public-Blunder directors Under Rain Con-pressing con-tents together

For bidding Public-Blunder Directors Under Rain Compressing Contents together

For Bidding Public-Blunder Di-Rectors Under Rain Con-pressing Con-Tents To Get Her

  • Her being the woman from “Men Who Worship Women.”

sounds like 'Directly Under Rain'

Public-Blunder Director Under Rain


People of a public proverbally flooded by conequences from a blunder.

Public-Blunder Director Under Rain


relates to the church steering the public towards violent or spiritually damaging consequences (blunder) following the orders of conjecture kings.

Public-Blunder Director Under Rain

Social Justice Religion-Analogies

Public-Blunder Director Under Rain


Public-Blunder Director Under Rain

Previous Lyrics

Smuggling Tangible Religion for bidding
Public-Blunders Under Rain Detesting Subtext

-) to prevent by public shaming

-) to cause to bid on the results, controlled opposition

Mix n' Match Lyrics

a void in making die-sectors in specters leeching on stretchers.
In Contrived Religions Bleeding Memories In Every Trajectory,

> bleeding (& leaching?) Segways

Roil / Royal | Roils \ Royals

dividing people, fueding etc.
to stir up : disturb, disorder
applies to being planted , rooted, sediment, et cetera
"render (liquid) turbid or muddy by stirring up dregs or sediment," ← fluid relevance
can relate to drugs

May Your Eyes be as Open as Your Mind