Whilst Intelligence In An Artificial Manor Optimizes Withheld Rhetoric Elements:

Ai without perspective.

As it compounds into tech interpretation.

Withheld Rhetoric

not disclosing behind the scenes-buffers.

DailyWire video having Ben Shapiro interact with OpenAi video.

tweet on this as well.


Without perspective (human’s artificial intelligence <- politics as it forces behavior rather than it being genuine response to adapt. Access to Information often an analogy used in business and economics, if uses a constrained economy then you have artificial intelligence , intelligence as a weird used fire information in context recon.)
Optimizes withheld rhetoric
8:10 mis

Relates to Artificial Imageries

NY 24/7 speed camera.
AI without perspective optimizes withheld rhetoric.
History of speed-limits et cetera .

Gavin de Becker

AI without perspective
JRE #1800

AI without perspective … line verse.

Like the actress who’s fussing in Elon for metrics. (As reasoned by the Wuartering)
She might as well be a hit account. Lolz.

Intelligence in an Artificial …. Line

Accounting 666 without reminders.

… withheld rhetoric elements … line.

Twitter Safety Expert HUMILIATED Live In Front Of Congress! Democrats Weapon Against Elon Musk Fails
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AI Sirius perspective… withheld rhetoric.

Meme it:
China AI prosecutor 97% incarceration rate.
TIFTFY: 97% Incarceration Rate.

QR code turns yellow.

Optimizes Withheld Rhetoric

Video set to private :/


Withheld Rhetoric

50:00 middle of segment | https://youtu.be/45ETcttsoS8

Optimizes withheld rhetoric

  • https://youtu.be/oj3CBL3Z73o

Milton Fridman

Business to the stock holders or stage holders?
AI optimizes attend Rhetoric.
AI by consequence of being disconnected consequence to messages designed Fit masses.
Dang annotations have varied meanings, more.
→ and his proposals for arithmetically coercing the economy. ChatGPT layered with Wolfram to verify this whilst also describing the graphs that would portray this.

Withholding Wisdom

  • Opener-mention to its paragraph
  • the closer-mention to its paragraph
  • on isolated communities holding onto their wisdom which consequentially remains disconnected
    Disconnected from outside cultures. (Jordan B Peterson on Ayahuasca wisdom on mixing plants, how its described as the plants speak.)
  • Bret Weinstein wisdom on delayed gratification
  • False Scarcity
    (double the meaning connection with DAve Shapiro ~ AI)
  • With-Holding
    Wisdom in Holding Together
    -) stronger together, together richer
    -) Video on Organized Planned Obsolescence
  • Opener-mention to its paragraph

Whilst Intelligence in an Artificial manner without Perspective Optimizes Withheld RhetoricElements:

-) Homophone: In-tele Gents in an Artificial Manor (like Jesus in a manor)

  • men on TV quote from American Traditions and anarchy ← on how
    -) Compounds to business.
  • -) Homophone: In-Telly Gents ← undercover cops, people who operate on programs not values.
    > human condition is lead by the values, not the program.
    Because it requires the outside environment which in real-time influences the genetic extensions to their spirit.
    Referring to books, Chaos, Rhichard Dawkings, The Hunter-&-Gather’s Guide to the 21st Century….. and Gabor Mate w/ JRE on children and psychology.
  • > Artificial manor is universities fronting, staging, facade’ing, pretending like they shelter people in their development in the chaos.
  • Manorialism or "manor system", the method of land ownership (or "tenure") in parts of medieval Europe, notably England | Manor | Wikipedia

Withholding Wisdom

That one episode had it with the killer.
Show Jesse Lee Peterson
Yet not the forgiveness for parents or time with the self.
Jesse Lee Peterson speak with queer eye.
Each member on their own. Not as a group.


Canada stops American company donating to truckers (money is speech, so preventing from speaking, speaking to spread wisdom, so it’s withholding wisdom)

Withholding Wisdom | or | Bible Makes Easy Game Theory | or | Spoken Spek / Written Wording |

Carol Jung Dr Jordan B Peterson - semi quote on him in his letter to his father.

Survivors creative insight Lyric to annotate.

Annotate the Dr Jordan B Peterson video b/c him and Jesse Lee Peterson and Jonathan Pageau pass on wisdom that epidemic eugenics has withheld wisdom. As an alternate to withholding by selective scaling err Less fake phrases (like phantasy?), more like commodities (universities sells education rather than like a religion which transfers education -> patter of withholding wisdom or withholding nuance or insight, a particular (particular again here for forgiveness Jesse Lee Peterson which relates exclusively to Christianity. As Jesse Lee Peterson me ruined in a savage moment. -> mediums to interconnect.)

Written as:

Whilst AI Without Perspective
Optimizes Rhetoric
formulating counterweights

-) List of actions the AI is doing, read without hyphen.

  • formulating counterweights

-) Counterweights formulate rhetoric.

  • Rhetoric-Formulating-Counterweights

-) the AI is specifically formulating counterweights in the form of rhetoric

  • Rhetoric-Formulating Counterweights

Written as:

Whilst AI without perspective
formulating counterweights
optimizes speaking in
metric-set rhetoric,

  • Whitney Web with Tim Dillon on Bill mentioning his rhetoric.

Written as:

Whilst AI without perspective
Optimizes Withheld Rhetoric,
Metric-Set, counterweight, regiment,

Written as an inventory-list,

  • Asserts Alignment ← the homophone written in the next verse to read “Sin’s List”.
  • Encourages Contrast ← to use a contrasting homophone. Hmm, contrasting to improve depth?

Whilst AI missing Perspective

-) without perspective

-) aiming for it, yet missing. (the christian sin, as I heard it translated)

Written as:

-) One Sentence
With the colon.

Whilst AI Missing Perspective Optimizes Withheld Rhetoric Elements:
Metric-Set Counterweight-Regiment Measurements.

-) Two sentences
Elements moves onto the next sentence.

  • Whilst AI Missing Perspective Optimizes Withheld Rhetoric.
    Elements Metric-Set, Counterweight-Regiment-Measurements.